Monica Seles是什么意思 Monica Seles的读音、翻译、用法

Monica Seles是什么意思 Monica Seles的读音、翻译、用法

'Monica Seles'这个词语来自于英语,是一个女子网球运动员的名字。她曾是世界排名第一,并在职业生涯中赢得了9个大满贯单打冠军。因犯罪袭击事件而导致受伤和暂停比赛两年后,她于xx年重返赛场。

以下是9个含有'Monica Seles'的例句:

1. Monica Seles won her first Grand Slam title at the 1990 French Open.(Monica Seles在xx年法国网球公开赛上赢得了她的第一个大满贯冠军。)

2. Many people believe that Monica Seles would have won even more Grand Slam titles if she had not been injured.(许多人认为,如果没有受伤的话,Monica Seles可能赢得更多大满贯冠军。)

3. Monica Seles was known for her powerful two-handed backhand.(Monica Seles以她强有力的双手反拍而闻名。)

4. After her comeback, Monica Seles won the Australian Open in 1996.(重返赛场后,Monica Seles在xx年赢得了澳大利亚网球公开赛。)

5. Monica Seles retired from professional tennis in 2008.(Monica Seles在xx年退役。)

6. Monica Seles was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2009.(Monica Seles在xx年被纳入国际网球名人堂。)

7. In her prime, Monica Seles was one of the most dominant players in women's tennis.(在她的巅峰时期,Monica Seles是女子网球中最有力的球员之一。)

8. Monica Seles won the French Open three years in a row from 1990 to 1992.(Monica Seles在xx年至xx年连续xx年赢得法国网球公开赛。)

9. Monica Seles was known for her aggressive style of play and her ability to hit winners from seemingly impossible angles.(Monica Seles以她的攻击性打法和从看似不可能的角度打出制胜球的能力而闻名。)

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