"Oloide"不是任何一个国家的语言,它是一个英语单词,可以翻译为“奥罗依德”。它是由加拿大工程师保罗·斯特鲁斯(Paul Schatz)在20世纪xx年代发明的一种几何体。奥罗依德是一种由两个相互嵌入的轮廓轮廓组成的三维几何体,使得它在旋转时呈现出复杂的四次对称形状。奥罗依德在工业制造、计算机图形学和玩具设计等领域得到广泛应用。
1. The Oloide is a fascinating object that creates a beautiful visual effect.
2. The Oloide has many practical applications in engineering and manufacturing.
3. Paul Schatz's invention of the Oloide was a significant contribution to the field of geometry.
4. The Oloide is known for its unique shape and symmetrical properties.
5. Many modern toy designs incorporate the Oloide shape.
6. The Oloide's complex geometry makes it a challenging object to manufacture.
7. The Oloide's symmetrical properties make it an ideal object for 3D modeling.
8. The Oloide's mathematical properties have been studied extensively by mathematicians and scientists.
9. The Oloide's unique shape has inspired many artists and designers.