Grammicolepididae是什么意思 Grammicolepididae的读音、翻译、用法

Grammicolepididae是什么意思 Grammicolepididae的读音、翻译、用法



1. Grammicolepididae是一种现已灭绝的鱼类,生活在中生代。

(Grammicolepididae is an extinct fish that lived during the Mesozoic era.)

2. 他们发现了一些有弓形鳞片的鱼,最终确认它们属于Grammicolepididae科。

(They discovered some fish with arched scales and eventually confirmed that they belonged to the family Grammicolepididae.)

3. Grammicolepididae是指一类仅在史前时期存在的鱼类。

(Grammicolepididae refers to a type of fish that existed only in prehistoric times.)

4. 拉丁语中的“Grammicolepididae”意为“有弓形鳞片的鱼类”。

(In Latin, "Grammicolepididae" means "fish with arched scales".)

5. 根据研究,Grammicolepididae大约在2.4亿年前演化而来。

(According to research, Grammicolepididae evolved around 240 million years ago.)

6. 这只鱼的弓形鳞片让它被归为Grammicolepididae科。

(The fish's arched scales classify it as a member of the Grammicolepididae family.)

7. Grammicolepididae科的鱼曾经在全球各地都有分布。

(Fish in the Grammicolepididae family were once distributed worldwide.)

8. 这些现已灭绝的Grammicolepididae鱼是了解史前生态系统的重要证据。

(These extinct Grammicolepididae fish are important evidence for understanding prehistoric ecosystems.)

9. 许多化石证明,Grammicolepididae科曾经非常普遍。

(Many fossils indicate that the Grammicolepididae family was once widespread.)

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