1. 'Jane Addams'是英语词语,可以翻译为简·亚当斯。
2. Jane Addams是一位美国社会活动家和慈善家,她被认为是美国社会工作专业的奠基人之一,她致力于改善穷人的生活和提高妇女的地位。
3. 例句:
- Jane Addams was the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. (简·亚当斯是第一个获得诺贝尔和平奖的女性。)
- The Hull House, founded by Jane Addams, was a famous settlement house in Chicago.(由简·亚当斯创立的赫尔之家是芝加哥著名的移民居住区之一。)
- Jane Addams was a leading figure in the progressive movement in the United States in the early 20th century.(简·亚当斯是美国20世纪初进步运动中的杰出人物。)
- Jane Addams' work as a social worker and activist inspired many others to join the social work profession.(简·亚当斯的社会工作和活动家身份激励了许多人加入社会工作行业。)
- Jane Addams was a champion of women's rights and fought for the right to vote for women.(简·亚当斯是妇女权利的捍卫者,为妇女争取投票权而奋斗。)
- Jane Addams believed in the importance of education and founded a kindergarten program at Hull House.(简·亚当斯相信教育的重要性,她在赫尔之家开办了幼儿园项目。)
- Jane Addams is remembered for her commitment to social justice and her tireless work on behalf of the poor and marginalized.(简·亚当斯因致力于社会公正、为穷人和边缘化群体不懈工作而受到人们的纪念。)
- Jane Addams was a fierce critic of war and advocated for peace and disarmament.(简·亚当斯是战争的激烈批评者,主张和平和裁军。)
- Jane Addams' legacy continues to inspire social workers and activists around the world.(简·亚当斯的遗产继续激励着全世界的社会工作者和活动家。)