solicitor是什么意思 solicitor的读音、翻译、用法

solicitor是什么意思 solicitor的读音、翻译、用法



1. I have just hired a solicitor to handle my legal affairs.(我刚刚聘请了一位律师来处理我的法律事务。)

2. The solicitor advised me on the legal implications of signing the contract.(律师向我说明了签订合同的法律影响。)

3. The solicitor helped me to draft a will.(律师帮助我起草了遗嘱。)

4. My solicitor will contact you regarding the case.(我的律师将与你联系有关此案件的事项。)

5. The solicitor is highly experienced in family law.(这位律师在家庭法方面经验丰富。)

6. The solicitor charged me a high fee for the legal services.(律师为提供法律服务向我收取了高额费用。)

7. The solicitor represented the defendant in court.(律师代表被告出庭。)

8. I need to consult my solicitor before making any legal decisions.(在做任何法律决定之前,我需要咨询我的律师。)

9. The solicitor advised me to plead guilty and agree to a plea bargain.(律师建议我认罪并达成庭外和解。)

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