1. 'Shastasauridae'是英语词语。
2. 翻译为“夏斯塔龙科”。
3. 'Shastasauridae'是一种已灭绝的海生爬行动物的学名,生活在三叠纪晚期,体型较小,身体长度约2-4米,前肢演化为鳍状结构,后肢退化。该科只有一属夏斯塔龙属(Shastasaurus),是其中最为著名的一种。夏斯塔龙科的化石分布广泛,主要分布在美国、中国等地的三叠系地层中。
4. 例句:
- The discovery of a complete Shastasauridae skeleton is a significant contribution to the study of marine reptiles.(发现一具完整的夏斯塔龙科骨架是海生爬行动物研究领域的重要贡献。)
- The morphology of Shastasauridae suggests that they were well adapted to their marine environment.(夏斯塔龙科的形态表明它们很适应它们的海洋环境。)
- Shastasauridae is an important clade for understanding the evolution of marine reptiles.(夏斯塔龙科是理解海生爬行动物进化的重要类群。)
- The discovery of Shastasauridae fossils in China has greatly expanded our knowledge of the distribution of this clade.(在中国发现夏斯塔龙科化石大大扩展了我们对该类群分布的了解。)
- Shastasauridae was one of the most specialized and diverse groups of marine reptiles.(夏斯塔龙科是海生爬行动物中最为特化和多样化的群体之一。)
- The unique features of Shastasauridae suggest that they occupied a unique niche in the marine ecosystem.(夏斯塔龙科的独特特征表明它们在海洋生态系统中占据了独特的生态位。)
- The discovery of Shastasauridae fossils in the United States was a significant milestone in the history of paleontology.(在美国发现夏斯塔龙科化石是古生物学史上的一个重要里程碑。)
- The study of Shastasauridae provides insights into the adaptation of marine reptiles to changing environmental conditions.(研究夏斯塔龙科可以深入了解海生爬行动物对不断变化的环境条件的适应。)
- The discovery of Shastasauridae fossils in the Triassic rocks of British Columbia has shed new light on the biogeography of marine reptiles.(在不列颠哥伦比亚的三叠纪岩石中发现夏斯塔龙科化石,为海生爬行动物的生物地理学研究提供了新的线索。)