'no extensible'不是任何一种国家的语言,而是一个英语词组。它的意思是“不可扩展的”,通常用于描述软件或计算机系统无法添加新的功能或模块的状态。例如,如果一个软件系统是no extensible的,那么开发者就无法通过添加新的代码模块来扩展其功能。
以下是9个含有'no extensible'的例句:
1. This legacy software system is no extensible, so we have to build a new one from scratch.(这个遗留的软件系统是不可扩展的,所以我们必须重新从头开始构建一个新的系统。)
2. The problem with this hardware is that it's no extensible, so we can't simply add new components to it.(这款硬件的问题在于它是不可扩展的,因此我们无法简单地添加新的部件。)
3. Our team faced many difficulties when trying to add new features to the no extensible software platform.(我们的团队在尝试向不可扩展的软件平台添加新功能时遇到了很多困难。)
4. The website's user interface is no extensible, so we can't easily integrate new design elements.(该网站的用户界面是不可扩展的,因此我们无法轻松地集成新的设计元素。)
5. The operating system's security model is no extensible, which makes it difficult to protect against new types of threats.(操作系统的安全模型是不可扩展的,这使得难以保护免受新型威胁的侵害。)
6. The application's database structure is no extensible, so we have to create a new database to accommodate future growth.(应用程序的数据库结构是不可扩展的,因此我们必须创建一个新的数据库来适应未来的增长。)
7. The video editing software is no extensible, meaning that we can't add new video formats or codecs.(视频编辑软件是不可扩展的,意味着我们无法添加新的视频格式或编解码器。)
8. This programming language is no extensible, so we can't easily modify its syntax or add new language constructs.(这种编程语言是不可扩展的,因此我们无法轻松地修改其语法或添加新的语言构造。)
9. The company's IT infrastructure is no extensible, which makes it hard to scale the system to meet growing demand.(公司的IT基础设施是不可扩展的,这使得难以扩展系统以满足不断增长的需求。)