Jehova是什么意思 Jehova的读音、翻译、用法

Jehova是什么意思 Jehova的读音、翻译、用法




1. "Praise be to Jehova, our God and creator."(赞颂我们的上帝和造物主耶和华。)

2. "The followers of Jehova gathered in the temple to pray."(耶和华的信徒聚集在圣殿中祈祷。)

3. "The prophet called upon the people to honor Jehova's commandments."(先知呼吁人们尊重耶和华的戒律。)

4. "The song praises Jehova for his mercy and grace."(这首歌赞美耶和华的怜悯和恩典。)

5. "The story tells of how Jehova led his people to victory."(这个故事讲述了耶和华如何带领他的子民获得了胜利。)

6. "The priests offered sacrifices to Jehova in the temple."(祭司们在圣殿中向耶和华献祭。)

7. "The book of Psalms is filled with songs of praise to Jehova."(《诗篇》中充满了对耶和华的赞美之歌。)

8. "The prophet's words reminded the people of their covenant with Jehova."(先知的话提醒人们他们与耶和华所立的约定。)

9. "The faithful believe that Jehova will reward them for their righteousness."(虔诚的信徒相信耶和华会因他们的公义而赐福于他们。)

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