Sorafenib是什么意思 Sorafenib的读音、翻译、用法

Sorafenib是什么意思 Sorafenib的读音、翻译、用法


1. Sorafenib is a first-line treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.(索拉非布是晚期肝细胞癌的一线治疗药物。)

2. The efficacy of sorafenib in treating renal cell carcinoma has been shown in several clinical trials.(几个临床试验已经证明了索拉非布治疗肾细胞癌的疗效。)

3. The dose of sorafenib should be adjusted based on liver function and side effects.(索拉非布的剂量应该根据肝功能和副作用进行调整。)

4. Sorafenib can cause skin rash, diarrhea and hand-foot syndrome as side effects.(索拉非布的副作用可能包括皮疹、腹泻和手足综合征。)

5. Patients with liver cirrhosis should use sorafenib with caution.(肝硬化患者应该谨慎使用索拉非布。)

6. Sorafenib inhibits the activity of several kinases involved in tumor growth and angiogenesis.(索拉非布抑制了多个调节肿瘤生长和新生血管形成的激酶的活性。)

7. The combination of sorafenib and transarterial chemoembolization may improve the outcomes of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.(索拉非布和经动脉化疗栓塞的联合应用可能会改善肝细胞癌患者的预后。)

8. Sorafenib is available in tablet form for oral administration.(索拉非布以口服片剂的形式供应。)

9. The use of sorafenib should be monitored closely for potential adverse events.(应该密切监测索拉非布的使用,以防潜在的不良反应。)

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