Peridermium是什么意思 Peridermium的读音、翻译、用法

Peridermium是什么意思 Peridermium的读音、翻译、用法



1. Peridermium菌株对某些树种具有高度的寄生性能力。

Peridermium strains have a high parasitic ability on some tree species.

2. 树木承受不住长期的Peridermium感染,导致它们的生长速度减缓。

Trees cannot withstand long-term Peridermium infection, which slows down their growth rate.

3. Peridermium在植物上形成过冬孢子,并在春天释放出来。

Peridermium forms overwintering spores on plants and releases them in spring.

4. Peridermium需要特定的环境条件才能在树木上感染。

Peridermium requires specific environmental conditions to infect trees.

5. Peridermium是一种常见的树木病原体,对森林生态系统的影响很大。

Peridermium is a common tree pathogen that has a significant impact on forest ecosystems.

6. 检测Peridermium感染比较困难,需要专业设备和技术。

Detection of Peridermium infection is difficult and requires specialized equipment and expertise.

7. 一些研究表明,Peridermium感染会导致树木枯萎和死亡。

Some studies suggest that Peridermium infection can cause tree wilt and death.

8. Peridermium感染可能会对林业产生经济影响。

Peridermium infection may have economic impacts on forestry.

9. 要预防Peridermium感染,需要采取积极的防治措施,包括合理的森林管理和疫病监测。

To prevent Peridermium infection, active prevention and control measures, including appropriate forest management and disease monitoring, are necessary.

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