Loose是什么意思 Loose的读音、翻译、用法

Loose是什么意思 Loose的读音、翻译、用法



1. The screws are loose, and need to be tightened. (螺丝松了,需要拧紧。)

2. The dog broke loose and ran away. (狗跑掉了。)

3. Loose clothing is more comfortable in hot weather. (宽松的衣服在炎热的天气里更舒适。)

4. The government needs to tighten the loose regulations on pollution. (政府需要加强对污染的松散监管。)

5. After the storm, there were loose branches and debris all over the yard. (风暴过后,院子里到处都是散落的树枝和碎片。)

6. The children were warned not to talk to strangers, and keep their belongings close, so they wouldn't lose anything. (孩子们被警告不要和陌生人说话,并保持他们的物品紧密,以免丢失。)

7. The boxer was accused of fighting with loose gloves to gain an unfair advantage. (拳击手因使用松了的手套而被指责在比赛中获取不公平的优势。)

8. The director allowed the actors to have some loose improvisation, which added realism to the scene. (导演允许演员随意发挥,这增加了场景的真实感。)

9. She didn't want to be tied down to a strict schedule, so she lived a loose lifestyle. (她不想被严格的时间表所束缚,所以过着自由的生活方式。)

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