1. 景点管理:欢迎来自世界各地的访客光临我们的景点。
Welcome visitors from all over the world to our scenic spots.
2. 商业活动:我们要为访客提供最好的服务,让他们感到舒适和愉悦。
We need to provide the best service for our visitors, making them feel comfortable and happy.
3. 旅游指南:这个城市吸引了很多访客,因为它的历史和文化遗产非常丰富。
This city attracts a lot of visitors because of its rich history and cultural heritage.
4. 酒店行业:我们要为访客提供高质量的住宿服务,让他们感到宾至如归。
We need to provide high-quality lodging services for our visitors, making them feel at home.
5. 教育领域:学校要欢迎来自世界各地的访客,交流学术经验和文化差异。
Schools should welcome visitors from all over the world, exchanging academic experiences and cultural differences.
6. 博物馆展览:这个展览吸引了很多访客,让他们了解了这个时代的文化和历史。
This exhibition attracts a lot of visitors, giving them an insight into the culture and history of this era.
7. 会议活动:我们要为访客提供方便和舒适的会议设施,让他们感到满意和愉悦。
We need to provide convenient and comfortable conference facilities for our visitors, making them satisfied and happy.
8. 娱乐场所:这个游乐园是孩子们和家庭的理想去处,吸引了许多访客。
This amusement park is an ideal destination for children and families, attracting many visitors.
9. 文化交流:我们要为访客展示我们的文化和传统,让他们感受到我们的独特之处。
We need to showcase our culture and traditions to visitors, giving them a sense of our uniqueness.