nonthreshold logic是什么意思 nonthreshold logic的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonthreshold logic是什么意思 nonthreshold logic的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonthreshold logic通常被翻译为"非定限逻辑"的意思,其中文解释还有"非定限逻辑"的意思,在线发音:[nonthresholdlogic],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到35个与nonthreshold logic相关的例句。

Nonthreshold logic的翻译


例句:This is the Miltonic logic that we're familiar with. (这是我们熟悉的弥尔顿式逻辑。)


nonthreshold logic一般作为名词使用,如在modified nonthreshold logic([计] 改进的非阈值逻辑)、nonthreshold logic circuit(非定限逻辑电路)、nonthreshold([网络] 非阈值;不具上限)等常见短语中出现较多。

modified nonthreshold logic[计] 改进的非阈值逻辑
nonthreshold logic circuit非定限逻辑电路
nonthreshold[网络] 非阈值;不具上限
logic of[网络] 逻辑
logic OR逻辑或;逻辑或函数
not logic非逻辑电路,反逻辑电路
difference logic逻辑差
digit logic数位逻辑
digital logic数字逻辑


1. - Coulson... your people make decisions based on logic. (翻译:Coulson... 你们能根据逻辑来做出决定 your people make decisions based on logic.)

2. Gombrich on Situational Logic and Periods and Fashion in Art (翻译:贡布里希论情境逻辑以及艺术中的时期和时尚)

3. VTL? Vendor Transistor Logic? (翻译:售主晶体管逻辑。)

4. It has to do with a broad, consistent logic, and that logic could be understood as one occupies the building. (翻译:它包含了一个宽泛,又连贯的逻辑 这个逻辑在整座建筑中得到线)

5. In wealthy societies, the logic often reverses. (翻译:在富裕的社会里,这种逻辑往往是颠倒过来的。)

6. Yet at the same time that the logic of Bios is being imported into machines, the logic of Technos is being imported into life. (翻译:不过,自然的逻辑被输入到机器之中,同时,技术的逻辑也被输入到了生命之中。)

7. This is a Arithmetic-Logic Unit. (翻译:{\bord0\fnMicrosoft YaHei}{\cHFFFFFF}{\2cH00111211F}{\4cH000000}This is a Arithmetic)

8. What would you know of logic? (翻译:你懂什么是道理吗? What would you know of logic?)

9. Instinct often trumps logic. (翻译:本能通常战胜逻辑。)

10. Logic value in mathematics teaching indicts the significance of logic in mathematics teaching. (翻译:数学教学的逻辑价值是指逻辑在数学教学中的意义。)

11. What happens is that circular logic takes over. (翻译:在这种状况下 思考逻辑如鬼打墙般走不出来)

12. Spock came from a planet governed only by logic. (翻译:Spock是从 Spock came 一个完全由逻辑统治的行星上来的 from a planet governed only by logic.)

13. The internal side of our nature is a moral logic and often an inverse logic. (翻译:我们内在的本质 是一种道德上的逻辑,通常是一种逆向逻辑。)

14. I caught zero logic in all that. (翻译:我觉得这些毫无逻辑可言 最后那句话更是莫名其妙 I caught zero logic in all that.)

15. Conditional logic in sequence diagramming. (翻译:序列图绘制中的条件逻辑。)

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