例句:And it occurs everywhere -- you know, why bother? (任何地方都可以看到 -- 你就会想,干嘛费那个劲? )
例句:The influence of electrode activation and trace stibium ion, indium ion added into vanadium electrolyte has been discussed. (并且考察了添加锑离子、铟离子对钒电池电性能特别是析氢行为的影响。)
1. It is a naked electron and is a sodium positive ion. (翻译:它是个裸电子,是钠正离子。)
2. The schematic stage of drawing generally occurs at this age - seven to nine. (翻译:图示期一般会在 The schematic stage of drawing 孩子七到xx岁间出现 generally occurs at this age - seven to nine.)
3. For example, acute retention occurs if the obstruction is distal to the bladder, and anuria occurs if obstruction involves both ureters. (翻译:例如梗阻在膀胱以下部位可以引起急性尿潴留,而双侧输尿管发生梗阻则可出现无尿。)
4. We talked about this reaction here, where we had chloride ion in the gas phase plus sodium ion in the gas phase. (翻译:我们在讨论这一个反应,气态的氯原子加上气态的钠原子。)
5. The net charge on an ion is equal to the number of protons in the ion minus the number of electrons. (翻译:离子上的负电荷数量等于离子上质子的数量 减去电子的数量。)
6. Compensated with an ion-bonded bolt carrier. (翻译:{\1cHC2CECF}用强化枪机座来弥补)
7. Depre ion affects people differently. (翻译:抑郁对人们的影响是不同的。)
8. However, the discovery of bioeffects induced by ion beam implantation has opened a new branch in the field of ion beam applications in the life science-low-energy Heavy ion Biology. (翻译:离子注入生物效应的发现开拓了低能离子束技术在生物学中应用的新领域,形成了一个新的交叉学科——低能重离子生物学。)
9. The Problems Be Attended in Using YIC-8 Ion Chromatography (翻译:YIC-8型离子色谱仪使用过程中应注意的问题)
10. A loud noise diverted my attent ion. (翻译:一阵喧闹声转移了我们的注意力。)
11. Well, ASD thinks we've located the originating IP address. (翻译:活动痕迹记录是在07: 00 Activity trace occurs.)
12. The ECR ion source, beam line from ECR to SFC and electrostatic inflector have been designed and installed to increase ion species and beam intensity. (翻译:安装了ECR离子源及其外注入系统后,增加了离子种类、提高了束流强度。)
13. Fabrication of Patterned Polymer Resists for Ion Etching by Using Dewetting (翻译:利用去湿现象制备图案化的离子刻蚀聚合物保护层)
14. The UV spectrum most resembled that of the aromatic tropylium ion. (翻译:紫外光谱与芳香族对苯二酚离子的光谱最相似。)
15. The developing status of lithium ion battery for HEV was introduced. (翻译:最后介绍了电动车用锂离子电池的研究开发情况。)