official petitioner是什么意思 official petitioner的中文翻译、读音、例句

official petitioner是什么意思 official petitioner的中文翻译、读音、例句

official petitioner在中文中有"正式申请人"的意思,还经常被翻译为法,在线读音是[officialpetitioner],official petitioner常被用作名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到19个与official petitioner相关的例句。

Official petitioner的词典翻译


例句:If I go through official channels, (如果走正式渠道 If I go through official channels,)


例句:A great deal depends upon the petitioner on the charm of the petitioner, on his ardor, on his eloquence. Myra, look at me. (啊,那得看怎么肯求了,看肯求的魅力,看他的热情和口才。玛拉,看着我。)


official petitioner一般作为名词使用,如在elected official(当选官员)、Facebook official([网络] 书上的情侣)、federal official(联邦官员)等常见短语中出现较多。

elected official当选官员
Facebook official[网络] 书上的情侣
federal official联邦官员
floor official交易所管理员
football official[网络] 足球官
fourth official[网络] 第四官员;助理裁判员及当有第四裁判;第四球证
functional officialun. 职能人员
investigation official调查官
judicial official[法] 司法人员, 司法官员


1. Three, lodge an official protest. (翻译:其三 提出正式抗议 Three, lodge an official protest.)

2. You got an official count? (翻译:你有官方的数字? You got an official count?)

3. The party appealing is the appellant or petitioner, the other party is the appellee or respondent. (翻译:译:上诉的一方称为上诉人,另一方为被上诉人。)

4. Pete here will be your official liaison. (翻译:这位皮特是你们的官方联络人 Pete here will be your official liaison.)

5. Any conspiracy of maleficence, official or otherwise. (翻译:任何罪恶的同盟,官员或任何人 Any conspiracy of maleficence, official or otherwise.)

6. Not according to any official records. But... (翻译:没有任何官方记录 Not according to any official records.)

7. All that on an official letterhead. (翻译:尽是些套话,他都舍得买纸写这个 All that on an official letterhead.)

8. And, uh, you are now sitting in the official breastfeeding area. (翻译:还有 And, uh, 你们现在坐的地方 you are now sitting in the official 是哺乳区域 breastfeeding area.)

9. Each petitioner hereby consents to the adoption of the child by the other. (翻译:各领养人特此同意另一方对该孩童的收养行为。)

10. You aren't a government official, you've no official standing. (翻译:你也不是政府人员 Not a government official. 你没有官方身份 You have no official standing.)

11. as a career official trained to obey (翻译:作为职业军官 as a career official 被训练去服从 trained to obey)

12. Official COD is heart attack. (翻译:Official COD is heart attack.)

13. I haves official Boov business out of in town. (翻译:我在城的外面有要紧事要办 I haves official Boov business out of in town.)

14. I know the official verdict: (翻译:我知道法院裁定是婴儿猝死症 - l know the official verdict:)

15. Official channels are not gonna cut it. (翻译:官方途径解决不了这事 Official channels are not gonna cut it.)

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