oil cushion是什么意思 oil cushion的中文翻译、读音、例句

oil cushion是什么意思 oil cushion的中文翻译、读音、例句

oil cushion通常被翻译为"油垫子"的意思,其次还有"油垫子"的意思,在线读音是[oilcushion],oil cushion是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到21个与oil cushion相关的句子。

Oil cushion的释义


例句:Protect your car with Valvoline Motor Oil. (保护你的爱车 请用瓦佛林机油 Protect your car with Valvoline Motor Oil.)


oil cushion一般作为名词使用,如在die cushion(模垫,模内(气、橡皮或弹簧)缓冲)、digital cushion(蹄垫)、ear cushion([医]助听垫)等常见短语中出现较多。

die cushion模垫,模内(气、橡皮或弹簧)缓冲
digital cushion蹄垫
ear cushion[医]助听垫
door cushionun. 关门缓冲器
Equity cushion股本作垫;股本缓冲;产权资本缓冲作用
Eustachian cushion[医] 咽鼓管圆枕
elastic cushion弹性垫层
endocardial cushion心内膜垫
endothelial cushion心内膜垫


1. Oil changes, personal hygiene? (翻译:换机油 还有注意个人卫生吗 oil changes, personal hygiene?)

2. Oil production may increase in 2006, and start to reflate that missing cushion. (翻译:xx年内石油的生产将有可能增加,从而开始填补空缺的余量。)

3. I think olive oil would be good. (翻译:I think olive oil would be good. A little more maybe?)

4. What would happen to our oil policy? (翻译:石油政策会变成什么样? What would happen to our oil policy?)

5. Think of a plumped-up cushion. (翻译:想想填得鼓鼓的靠垫。)

6. The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere. (翻译:垫子撕破了,羽毛掉得到处都是。)

7. And at the epicenter of the oil shale boom. (翻译:处于油页岩繁荣的中心 and at the epicenter of the oil shale boom.)

8. We are gong to an oil sheikdom. (翻译:We are gong to an oil sheikdom.)

9. Are we aware- Because we all know that oil- oil- oil is- oil is composed of the remainders of animal life, plants and so on and so on. (翻译:巨大灾难的物质残骸 Are we aware- Because we all know that oil - oil)

10. President of an oil company in Texas. (翻译:一家得克萨斯石油公司的总裁。President of an oil company in Texas.)

11. Yeah, I mean, I'm mostly an oil-on-canvas guy, but I did the best I could. (翻译:是的,我的意思是,我是一个oil -on -canvas的家伙,)

12. Oil reserves beneath the earth are material remainders... of an unimaginable catastrophe. (翻译:什么是石油? Oil reserves beneath the earth are material remainders... 石油是余留在地下)

13. Energy lobbies for oil companies, (翻译:能源部服务于石油公司 Energy lobbies for oil companies,)

14. ♪ Oil from the blood of the tears ♪ (翻译:♪ Oil from the blood of the tears ♪)

15. Listing 2 is a DAML + OIL schema for the issue tracker similar to Listing 1. (翻译:清单2是类似于清单1的问题跟踪程序的DAML + OIL模式。)

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