olea laxiflora是什么意思 olea laxiflora的中文翻译、读音、例句

olea laxiflora是什么意思 olea laxiflora的中文翻译、读音、例句

olea laxiflora的意思是"疏花木犀榄",还经常被翻译为疏花木犀榄,读音为[olealaxiflora],olea laxiflora常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到46个与olea laxiflora相关的例句。

Olea laxiflora的词典翻译


例句:In 1987 and 1988 we studied the distribution law of solar energy on different-structured olive (Olea europaea) trees resulting from different pruning techniques. (xx年,在四川广元市市郊对不同修剪技术油橄榄树体结构进行了太阳辐射能分配规律的研究。)


olea laxiflora一般作为名词使用,如在Olea laxiflora(n. 疏花木犀榄)、laxiflora([网络] 疏花鱼藤;疏花鸡矢藤;森林薄荷)、olea(oleum的复数)等常见短语中出现较多。

Olea laxifloran. 疏花木犀榄
laxiflora[网络] 疏花鱼藤;疏花鸡矢藤;森林薄荷
Mussaenda laxifloran. 疏花玉叶金花
Myricaria laxifloran. 疏花水柏枝
Paederia laxifloran. 疏花鸡矢藤
Pedicularis laxifloran. 疏花马先蒿
Pottsia laxifloran. 帘子藤
Roegneria laxifloran. 疏花鹅观草
Sageretia laxifloran. 疏花雀梅藤


1. Preferably, the antigenicity-reducing component is an extract of an Olea or a Ligustrum plant extracted with water or an organic solvent. (翻译:优选地,所述抗原性降低成分 是用水或有机溶剂从木犀榄属或女真属植物中提取的提取物。)

2. Objective: To study the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from the aerial parts of Isodon eriocalyx, var. laxiflora, . (翻译:前言: 目的:研究疏花毛萼香茶菜挥发油的化学成分。)

3. Preferably, the antigenicity-reducing component is an extract of an Olea or a Ligustrum plant extracted with water or an organic solvent. (翻译:优选地,所述抗原性降低成分是用水或有机溶剂从木犀榄属或女真属植物中提取的提取物。)

4. Secoiridoid compounds are important marked compounds in Olea L. , in particular, oleuropein has some pharmacological activities definitely. (翻译:裂环烯醚萜类化合物是木樨榄属植物标记性化合物,尤其是橄榄苦苷具有重要的药理活性。)

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