orgreave是什么意思 orgreave的中文翻译、读音、例句

orgreave是什么意思 orgreave的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:For example , 8 sounds like -eat in great , so to save time , people write gr8. (比如,8听起来像great中eat[eit]的发音,因此为了节省时间,人们就写成了gr8[来代表great]。)


例句:For sustainability, 34 kg is 900 gr per... (对于可持续发展, 34公斤为每900克.)


1. The fermentative characters of the brewer, s yeast protoplast fusant GR8 were studied. (翻译:研究了啤酒酵母原生质体融合株GR8的主要发酵特性。)

2. He was to perish in a shipwreck and tol-eave a wife and two children. (翻译:后来他在一次船只失事中死了,留下了妻子和两个孩子。)

3. For example, 8 sounds like -eat in great, so to save time, people write gr8. (翻译:比如,8听起来像great中eat [eit]的发音,因此为了节省时间,人们就写成了gr 8[来代表great]。)

4. There is no way to support 255 gr meat per person per day, what Americans consume today. (翻译:没有办法来支持 每人每天255克的肉, 美国人消耗的今天。)

5. The calcarenaceous sandstone reservoir in the 4th Member of Xujiahe Formation in Fenggu area are of the characteristics of low GR, high resistance and high impedance. (翻译:丰谷须四段钙屑砂岩储层具有低伽玛、高电阻、高波阻抗等特点,储层含气后波阻抗值有所降低,但仍高于或接近于泥岩。)

6. On the south side of the building, the roof slab was extended, creating an eave to protect residents from direct daylight in summer months. (翻译:南侧,屋顶板面被加以延伸,形成一个巨大的屋檐,以保护住户免受夏日阳光的直射。)

7. Keep sides open at eave at least 150mm at all times except during blizzard conditions. (翻译:屋檐下150毫米的通风带全年敞开,只在暴风雪侵袭时遮蔽。)

8. Results: Splenic Gr1+CD11b+MDSC ratio in A20 cellbearing mice was 10 times higher than that in the normal mice. (翻译:结果:荷A20淋巴瘤小鼠脾脏中MDSC的比例显著上调,是正常小鼠脾脏中的10倍以上。)

9. Field Efficacy Experiment of 10% Diazinon GR against Peanut Grub (翻译:10%二嗪磷颗粒剂防治春花生蛴螬田间药效试验)

10. The Bellcore GR-253 standard for SONET networks defines the bytes over which a particular parity error is calculated. (翻译:符合Bellcore GR - 253 SONET网络标准定义了一个特定的奇偶校验错误计算的字节。)

11. It's nothing. I am pleased to see that through me you have found a common ground. (翻译:我很开心因为我 Je suis content de voir que grâce à moi,)

12. " The next big small, four square, 17 floors, each has the strange upturned eave construction, Huaxi people called " Urn. (翻译:这座下大上小、四方形、十七层、每层都有飞檐的古怪建筑,华西人称之为“金塔”。)

13. Huxin Pavilion is a three-story, double-eave ancient structure. (翻译:湖心亭是一座三层重檐楼阁式的古亭。)

14. Lοwer dοwn yοur head, grοοm, like yοu lονe each οther. (翻译:新郎头再低下来一点点 再下来一点点,很相爱的样子)

15. Adding to the heightened jitters, ratings agency Moody's placed Greece's ratings on review for a possible downgrade after markets closed. (翻译:在欧洲股市收市后,评级机构穆迪称因担心希腊可能债务重组,或下调希腊评等数个级距.[GR-CMN]消息加重市场的不安情绪。)



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