oriented trees的意思是"定向树形、有向树",其次还有"形"的意思,在线读音是[orientedtrees],oriented trees来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到70个与oriented trees相关的例句。
Oriented trees的词典翻译
例句:Into the woods and through the trees (# 去森林里 穿过繁茂的树木 # # Into the woods and through the trees #)
例句:Trees, leafless trees, the epitaph of the sun. (树木,伸展着光秃的枝桠,犹如太阳的墓志铭。)
例句:They begin, where the trees begin, in the far north. (They begin where the trees begin, in the far north. 在遥远的北方 森林随着树木开始延伸)
oriented trees一般作为名词使用,如在oriented(a. 导向的\n[电] 定向的)、trees(n. 树木;乔木;树状结构(tree的复数))、environmentally oriented([网络] 环境取向)等常见短语中出现较多。
oriented | a. 导向的\n[电] 定向的 |
trees | n. 树木;乔木;树状结构(tree的复数) |
environmentally oriented | [网络] 环境取向 |
employee oriented | 员工导向 |
engineering oriented | un. 面向工程的;便于施工的\n[网络] 工程导向 |
event oriented | un. 面向事件\n[网络] 事件取向;事件导向;事伔导向 |
export oriented | 面向出口的 |
goal oriented | 目标指向 |
grain oriented | 晶粒取向的 |
1. They begin, where the trees begin, in the far north. (翻译:They begin where the trees begin, in the far north. 在遥远的北方 森林随着树木开始延伸)
2. Got a few trees I can shake. (翻译:我这边也有点门路 {\3cH202020}Got a few trees I can shake.)
3. The examination-oriented education by countless young minds, money-oriented society and plunder the children innocent mind, then what? (翻译:应试教育摧残着无数少年们的智慧,金钱至上的社会风气又掠夺着孩童们天真无邪的心灵,那么未来究竟是什么呢?)
4. I tried to find somewhere safe to land, but it was all trees. (翻译:but it was all trees.)
5. Yeah or maybe not. She said that she was above a field, There were tall trees. (翻译:可能吧 或许不是 Yeah or maybe not. 有许多高大的树 There were tall trees.)
6. I see you, running through the trees. (翻译:I see you... 在树林里奔跑 running through the trees.)
7. There doesn't seem to be any more evidence for that than there was for the idea that women are people-oriented and men are object-oriented. (翻译:似乎没有任何证据为比是以人为本观点认为女人做情人的时候,男人的面向对象。)
8. # The buildings are changing into coconut trees (翻译:The buildings are changing into coconut trees)
9. ♪ When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall... (翻译:♪ When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall...)
10. We run a commercially oriented operation. (翻译:我们经营一个商业性的企业。)
11. ♪ Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, (翻译:♪ Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small)
12. My heart was racing, I'm like, okay, nerves come down, but (翻译:♪Shining through the trees♪)
13. Exposure to ozone gas causes change in the mechanical properties of linear LDPE, oriented PP and biaxially oriented nylon [99]. (翻译:暴露在臭氧气体导致的线性低密度聚乙烯聚丙烯的力学性能为导向,改变和双向拉伸尼龙[99]。)
14. You ever seen lights in the cypress trees at night? (翻译:你晚上能在柏树林里看到光亮吗? You ever seen lights in the cypress trees at night?)
15. If they really wanted to, they could push these trees over. (翻译:they could push these trees over.)