outside control是什么意思 outside control的中文翻译、读音、例句

outside control是什么意思 outside control的中文翻译、读音、例句

outside control通常被翻译为"无法控制"的意思,在英美地区还有"无法控制"的意思,发音是[outsidecontrol],outside control在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到27个与outside control相关的例句。

Outside control的翻译


例句:♪ animal print, pants outta control ♪ (♪Animal print pants outta control♪)


outside control一般作为名词使用,如在outside to outside(显微镜外至境外)、outside quality control(外部质量控制)、on the outside((公司等的)外勤探子)等常见短语中出现较多。

outside to outside显微镜外至境外
outside quality control外部质量控制
on the outside(公司等的)外勤探子
outside and in里里外外
outside in里面翻到外面, 彻底地
outside of在...的外面, 超出...的范围, 除了...之外
the outside外面的世界(歌曲名,The Outside)\n外面
fall outside超出…;超越
fitted outside外装式


1. This place is out of control. (翻译:This place is out of control.)

2. - Copy the raw file, and I'll (翻译:- and run to the control room.)

3. Can we please take this outside? (翻译:Can we please take this outside?)

4. A computer and joystick are needed to control the aerial camera attached to the outside of the helicopter. (翻译:控制挂在直升机外的航空摄像机 需要一台电脑和操纵杆)

5. However so, everyone runs in the outside (翻译:everyone runs in the outside)

6. Then she added, "way, way outside the box." (翻译:way outside the box.)

7. Control the algorithm, control the heist. (翻译:控制算法 控制偷窃 Control the algorithm, control the heist.)

8. Youngberry, excellent control. (翻译:Youngberry, excellent control.)

9. Okay, use the wall of fire. (翻译:- 什么? - 按Control -Alt)

10. And using it to control you? (翻译:用药控制你? And using it to control you?)

11. ## Meet me outside with my rough riders ## (翻译:[Meet me outside with my rough riders])

12. Brother, you got no control at all! (翻译:you got no control at all!)

13. And you control the vault now, right? (翻译:And you control the vault now, right?)

14. All said that she was outside of control and that it would ruin the business of all. (翻译:所有说 她是控制之外 而且它会毁了所有的业务。)

15. This man is out of control (翻译:This man is out of control)

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