pachyosteomorph是什么意思 pachyosteomorph的中文翻译、读音、例句

pachyosteomorph是什么意思 pachyosteomorph的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Leyzaola did not resign. He called El Teo a coward. (拉伊佐拉没有辞职,他称埃尔·特奥为懦夫。)


1. Lim and Elaine Teo, 34, both Singaporeans, traveled together. (翻译:小林和xx岁的新加坡人艾琳,两者一起旅游。)

2. I'm Hyo-sun's friend. How could you! (翻译:我是孝善的朋友 你都那么大把年纪了 这是干什么呢)

3. When you morph, your armor will make you one with the zords. (翻译:当你们变身后 你们的盔甲将为你们每人匹配一个战斗恐龙)

4. Dr Teo was awarded the Order of Australia last week. (翻译:查利·张上周刚刚获得澳大利亚勋章。)

5. Representatives from G-PAC will meet in Washington tomorrow ... (翻译:和平会议的代表 明天会在华盛顿举行会议...)

6. Camila Vargas to see Teo Aljarafe. (翻译:我是卡米拉・巴尔加斯 来找迪欧・阿哈拉菲 Camila Vargas to see Teo Aljarafe.)

7. Arthur, I know Teo is your son. (翻译:I know Teo is your son.)

8. Sure, it's fashionable to be frugal. But sometimes severe frugality can morph into a serious mental disorder. (翻译:的确,节俭生活长在成为一种时尚,但是,有时过分的节俭却有可能导致严重精神失常。)

9. # This w-word s-so s-sweet that I r-repeat (翻译:# This w -word s -so s)

10. Teo Braga is a known terrorist. (翻译:泰欧·布拉加是著名的恐怖分子 {\3cH000000}Teo Braga is a known terrorist.)

11. She graduated three years ago. She's in Playboy's Pac-10 issue. (翻译:她是xx年前毕业的 登过花花公子太平洋十校联盟那期)

12. I see these as living artworks that will morph and grow over time. (翻译:它们都是有生命的艺术品, 随时间流逝不断变化增长。)

13. Hyo-in, I once knew a woman very much like you. (翻译:孝英啊,我以前认识一个女人 跟你长得很像)

14. In the winter months, it's easy to ignore your feet until they morph into a Shrek-like monstrosity. (翻译:在冬天的时候,你很容易忽视你的脚,知道他们变成史瑞克似的怪物。)

15. To install these support pacs, simply unzip them. (翻译:这些support pac的安装只要解压缩即可。)

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