paleoliberalism是什么意思 paleoliberalism的中文翻译、读音、例句

paleoliberalism是什么意思 paleoliberalism的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:"Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder," "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot," "Pinheads and Patriots," "Arguing With Idiots." (《自由主义是一种精神缺陷》 《拉什·林堡是个大白痴》 《笨蛋与爱国者》 《与白痴争论》)

例句:Stable isotopic composition of fossil ostracode is used as an ideal proxy for paleo- lake sedimentary environments. (介形虫化石壳体被认为是反映古湖泊沉积环境的理想对象。)


1. Ordovician distributed mainly in Shanbei paleo-depression and South margin paleo-depression but default in part of central paleo-uplift. (翻译:奥陶系沉积主要分布在陕北古坳陷和南缘古坳陷,中央古隆起部分地区缺失奥陶系沉积。)

2. Beloved countrymen, the New Liberalism party is the only force in Colombia that is not afraid of narcotraffickers. (翻译:波哥大 乡亲们 新自由主义党是哥伦比亚唯一 不畏惧毒枭的中坚力量)

3. Rich paleo-environmental and paleo-climatic formation is recorded in Tertiary successive detrital deposition of Kuqa depression. (翻译:库车坳陷第三纪连续的碎屑沉积,记录了丰富的古环境与古气候变化的信息。)

4. Capitalism and neo-liberalism offers only rottenness and selfishness to humankind. (翻译:资本主义和新自由主义的提供者对人类只有腐烂和自私。)

5. Late Paleozoic Adakite and Nb-enriched Basalt from Northern Xinjiang: Evidence for the Southward Subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (翻译:新疆北部晚古生代埃达克岩、富铌玄武岩组合:古亚洲洋板块南向俯冲的证据)

6. I think it's happening because of a restlessness for so long, as liberalism suggested, that it could bring happiness to the individual. (翻译:我觉得它正在变得更糟,因为人们烦躁不安得太久了 就像改革派们建议的,会给个人带来快乐)

7. A vigorous struggle must be launched among the young people against egoism, liberalism and the decadent way of life. (翻译:必须在青年中发动一场有力的斗争,反对个人主义,自由主义和颓废的生活方式。)

8. But his liberalism had not been understood by the most people that he is still lonely. (翻译:但他的自由主义还未被多数人所了解,他依然是一个孤独者。)

9. The theologies of Europe and North America start thinking actuality calmly, the liberalism theology begin to decline gradually; (翻译:欧洲和北美的神学家们开始冷静地深思现实,自由主义神学逐渐衰落,其主流地位逐渐被新正统派所取代。)

10. At a time of crisis for free-market liberalism everywhere, it must rank as a central goal of Western civilisation. (翻译:在自由市场自由主义的危机时刻,这必须是西方文明的核心目标。)

11. Oceanic subduction - type eclogite in the Lhasa block, Tibet, China: Remains of the Paleo- Tethys ocean basin? (翻译:青藏高原拉萨地块中的大洋俯冲型榴辉岩:古特提斯洋盆的残留。)

12. Central Gas Field located in the center of Ordos Basin is formed on the paleo- uplift in the north - eastern boarder of the stable craton. (翻译:鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田位于稳定克拉通中央古隆起东北部,是一个与奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩有关的风化壳型气田。)

13. The day the paleo-Socialists of the Mitterrand generation allow such figures to emerge would be the dawn of a real revolution. (翻译:老一辈密特朗那代的社会党人允许这样的人物出现,意味着真正的革命黄昏可能来临。)

14. On the other hand, the latter John Rawls in his Political Liberalism has reformulated a "neo-Madisonian" picture of constitutionalism. (翻译:另方面,晚期的罗尔斯在《政治自由主义》之中,则是重塑了宪政主义的某种“新麦迪逊主义”的图像。)

15. Post Caledonides platform also did not exist, there was an ocean basin and could be a part of the Paleo Tethys; (翻译:华南不存在加里东后地台,而存在晚古生代洋盆,它可能是东特提斯洋的一部分;)

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