palop是什么意思 palop的中文翻译、读音、例句

palop是什么意思 palop的中文翻译、读音、例句

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'PALOP'这个词语来源于葡萄牙语,是指葡萄牙语国家非洲国家组织(Portuguese-speaking African countries Organization)的缩写,包括安哥拉、佛得角、几内亚比绍、赤道几内亚、莫桑比克和圣多美和普林西比六个非洲国家。PALOP国家之间有着共同的历史和文化背景,使用葡萄牙语作为官方语言。


1. Portugal tem especial ligação histórica com PALOP. (葡萄牙与PALOP有着独特的历史联系。)

2. A cooperação entre os PALOP é muito importante. (PALOP国家之间的合作非常重要。)

3. A economia dos PALOP está em crescimento. (PALOP国家的经济正在增长。)

4. PALOP e Timor-Leste são países lusófonos. (PALOP和东帝汶是葡萄牙语国家。)

5. PALOP participam em diversas organizações internacionais. (PALOP国家参与了多个国际组织。)

6. A cultura dos PALOP tem diversas influências. (PALOP国家的文化受到多种影响。)

7. PALOP contam com o apoio de outras nações. (PALOP国家得到了其他国家的支持。)

8. O intercâmbio académico entre PALOP é importante. (PALOP国家之间的学术交流很重要。)

9. A língua portuguesa é a oficial nos PALOP. (葡萄牙语是PALOP国家的官方语言。)

palop的中文翻译是非洲葡萄牙语国家组织(Portuguese-speaking African countries organization),缩写为PALOP。

读音:pǎ ló pǔ

例句:PALOP 是由安哥拉、佛得角、几内亚比绍、莫桑比克和圣多美和普林西比五个非洲葡萄牙语国家组成的区域组织。

Translation: PALOP is a regional organization composed of five Portuguese-speaking African countries including Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe.




例句:Check out the PSP Top 200, an online ranking directory of PSP sites. (查看PS p Top 200,一个在线的PS p站点排行目录。)


例句:What happens when you feed a 1080p signal to 720p TV? (当你将1080p电视信号转换为720p会发生什么? )


例句:CMP Fields and Naming conventions. (CM p字段和命名约定。)、柏立

例句:Palo Santo trees that seem long dead are resurrected. (翻译:帕罗桑塔 这种很久以前就被人们 认为已经灭绝了的树 在这里复活了)


1. CMP Fields and Naming conventions. (翻译:CM p字段和命名约定。)

2. Palo Santo trees that seem long dead are resurrected. (翻译:帕罗桑塔 这种很久以前就被人们 认为已经灭绝了的树 在这里复活了)

3. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

4. - Stanford. It's time for them to see this in Palo Alto. (翻译:斯坦福 该让身处帕罗奥多的人 也见识下这个了)

5. So he wants me to go back to Palo Alto. (翻译:所以他想让我回帕罗奥多 So he wants me to go back to Palo Alto.)

6. They put me in the car, then they drove me around Palo Alto. (翻译:他们让我上警车,在帕罗奥图市的大街上行驶。)

7. Tuesday morning, he called me to ask me to hurry up to Palo Alto. (翻译:周二早晨,他给我打电话让我快点去帕洛奥托。)

8. Along the Brazos, the Palo Pinto... up to the Red... then north to Sedalia. (翻译:沿着布拉索 从帕里平多 上去到红河 再往北到色戴利亚)

9. One of its first customers was Palo Alto, Calif. -based IMVU Inc. (翻译:它最初的顾客之一就是位于加州帕罗·奥图的IMVU公司。)

10. ## Hand a double-O-P, come on, come on ## (翻译:[H and a double -o -p, come on, come on])

11. Deployment management — Sample RFP requirements. (翻译:部署管理——RF P需求示例。)

12. Peter Markovics, composer. (翻译:Péter Markovics, 作曲家)

13. Eating P-chan is cruel and heartless. (翻译:我还是觉得把小P吃掉的话 对小P来说太可怜太残酷了)

14. It follows that the so-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea. (翻译:这表明这种所谓的P篮子不是P村的人所独有的。)

15. Now, if you're a P-2 or a P-3, you can still get a spot... in sections that are available, so do your best. (翻译:现在,假如你是P -2或者P -3的 你仍有机会...)



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