paper yabber是什么意思 paper yabber的中文翻译、读音、例句

paper yabber是什么意思 paper yabber的中文翻译、读音、例句

paper yabber在英语中代表"网络"的意思,在日常中也代表"纸"的意思,读音为[paperyabber],paper yabber常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到94个与paper yabber相关的例句。

Paper yabber的词典翻译

例句:Woodfree Printing Paper; (印刷纸; )


例句:Implementing Dowtherm Heated Drying Process of Impregranted Paper through Innovation (通过技术改造实现用导热油做加热介质的浸渍纸干燥工艺)


paper yabber一般作为名词使用,如在yabber(n. 谈话, 说话, 急促而含混不清的话)、Eurocommercial Paper(un. 欧洲商业本票\n[网络] 欧洲商业票据)、Paper Barrel(纸面石油)等常见短语中出现较多。

yabbern. 谈话, 说话, 急促而含混不清的话
Eurocommercial Paperun. 欧洲商业本票\n[网络] 欧洲商业票据
Paper Barrel纸面石油
Paper Drum卷纸辊
Paper Trade[网络] 纸张贸易;交易;模拟交易


1. Tapes - Self Adhesive, Adhesives and Sealants, Foam, Rexine and P. U. Products, Adhesives, Crepe Paper , Core Paper , Masking Tape. (翻译:采购产品录音带-自录,黏性物和密封剂,泡沫,仿造皮和P.U产品,黏性物,生胶纸,核心纸,不透光胶纸。)

2. Paper company's just a front. (翻译:他们储藏可以摧毁世界的病毒的地方 造纸厂只是个幌子)

3. Hey, is there something in my teeth? (翻译:喔,我们的英语课报告成绩出炉了 OH, THE GRADES FOR OUR ENGLISH PAPER JUST GOT POSTED.)

4. In China, Metso Paper has a long history. (翻译:长期以来,美卓造纸机械积极参与中国市场。)

5. This is stage 4, field course 4 Paper targets, 2 steel ones (翻译:这是第四回合,场地赛 四个纸靶,两个钢靶)

6. Primatech Paper... Odessa, Texas. (翻译:Primatech纸业 Odessa 德克萨斯)

7. You have friends at the Paper, right? (翻译:你有朋友在报社 对吗? You have friends at the paper, right?)

8. Her name is Katharine Wilkinson, Kate. 36, unmarried, no living relatives. PA to the manager of a women's clothing importer. (翻译:她的名字是Katharine Wilkinson Her name is Katharine Wilkinson. 没有在世的亲属 no living relatives. 至少表面上没有 at least not on paper.)

9. We had this case coming up, so, you know, (翻译:正好要交篇论文 又遇到这个案子 Had a paper due. We had this case coming up, so, you know,)

10. Oh, I'm just typing up a funeral notice. (翻译:we put one in the paper.)

11. Folder Paper Village, then to the Nanjing County Fifth District Hailin jurisdiction. (翻译:夹皮沟村,当时归宁安县第五区海林管辖。)

12. A shipment of needles went to Primatech Paper in Odessa, Texas. (翻译:一船的注射器运到了先科纸业 在德克萨斯,敖德萨)

13. Museum of Handcraft Paper, Gaoligong Mountain, China / Trace Architecture Office. (翻译:手工造纸博物馆,中国,高黎贡山/跟踪建筑事务所。)

14. Paper was scarce and expensive, so typically they drew the design onto a white tabletop. (翻译:纸又少又贵,所以他们通常把设计图案画在白色的桌面上。)

15. The Simulation of Paper Suspension Flow and the Study on The Pulp Shear Stresses modeling in Headbox. (翻译:流浆箱内浆流模拟和浆料作用力的研究。)

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