mental protuberance的意思是"颏隆凸",在日常中也代表"颏隆凸"的意思,在线发音:[mentalprotuberance],mental protuberance常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到63个与mental protuberance相关的例句。
Mental protuberance的释义
例句:Her mental health is just as important. (她的精神健康也很重要 Her mental health is just as important.)
mental protuberance一般作为名词使用,如在protuberance(突起 )、frontal protuberance([医] 额结节)、laryngeal protuberance([医] 喉结)等常见短语中出现较多。
protuberance | 突起 |
frontal protuberance | [医] 额结节 |
laryngeal protuberance | [医] 喉结 |
maxillary protuberance | 上颚隆凸 |
occipital protuberance | 枕骨隆突 |
palatine protuberance | 腭隆凸 |
parietal protuberance | [医] 顶结节 |
protuberance cutter | (齿轮)剃前刀具 |
rock protuberance | 岩石突出部分 |
1. I suppose you just failed to notice her mental illness? (翻译:I suppose you just failed to notice her mental illness? 我猜您没有仔细观察 Dorothy 的心理变化吧?)
2. An anglerfish wags its head until its fleshy protuberance shimmies like a worm and baits other fish. (翻译:琵琶鱼会摇头晃脑,让它头上的肉瘤看起来像条虫子,并等着其他鱼上钩。)
3. And probably the most important is you have to work on your mental skills, mental preparation. (翻译:然而最重要的是 你要学会控制你的意识力,精神力。)
4. I could either deny my mental illness or embrace my mental skillness. (翻译:我本可以拒绝 我的精神疾病 或者拥抱 我精神上的巧妙之处。)
5. Apparently he has suffered a mental or nervous breakdown. (翻译:他陷入精神崩溃的状态 Apparently, he has suffered a kind of mental nervous breakdown.)
6. 'Mental' at one, 'concentration' at two! (翻译:“精神 ” 第一,“ 注意力 ” 第二!)
7. I could either deny my mental illness or embrace my mental skillness. (翻译:我本可以拒绝 我的精神疾病 或者拥抱 我精神上的巧妙之处。)
8. It contains many concerning allegations of mental and physical abuse. (翻译:里面记录了很多关于精神和肉体折磨的指控。It contains many concerning allegations of mental and physical abuse.)
9. Milly? It's your mother, Daphne Wilder. (翻译:Hopefully, you still have a mental picture of me.)
10. Tip1: Remember that with Mental Ray the fake reflection is NOT visible in the material slot as preview. (翻译:提示1:记住使用mental的话,模拟反射在材质球预览框里是不可见的。)
11. The drug improved mental alertness. (翻译:这种药物提高了大脑的灵敏度。)
12. The performance of periodic mental disease is more, general component is prodrome, mental symptom and body symptom. (翻译:周期性精神病的表现较多,一般分为前驱症状,精神症状和躯体症状。)
13. She has a history of mental illness. (翻译:她有精神病史 She has a history of mental illness.)
14. "Look, the terrible thing about all the mental anguish she underwent (翻译:你看 这一切的痛苦 Look, the terrible thing 她承受的所有的精神压力 about all the mental anguish she underwent)
15. Because my mum went mental. (翻译:因为我妈妈开始变得神经质了 Because my mum went mental.)