parasitosis delusion是什么意思 parasitosis delusion的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasitosis delusion是什么意思 parasitosis delusion的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasitosis delusion的中文解释是"寄生虫妄想症",作为名词时有"寄生虫妄想症"的意思,读音为[parasitosisdelusion],parasitosis delusion常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到77个与parasitosis delusion相关的例句。

Parasitosis delusion的中文翻译


例句:They were nevertheless so foolish that they entertained the delusion that it is possible to reason with demented persons. (但他们竟愚蠢到抱着幻想,认为可以和那些疯人说理。)


parasitosis delusion一般作为名词使用,如在parasitosis(寄生虫病 )、delusion(妄想 )、hepatic parasitosis(肝寄生虫病)等常见短语中出现较多。

hepatic parasitosis肝寄生虫病
intestinal parasitosis肠寄生虫病
intracranial parasitosis颅内寄生虫病
parasitosis diagnostics[内科] 寄生虫病诊断学
parasitosis pathology[内科] 寄生虫病病理学
parasitosis therapeutics[内科] 寄生虫病治疗学
erotomantic delusion恋爱妄想


1. Granted, some amount of delusion is probably part of the human condition. (翻译:当然,一定程度的妄想可能是人类状况的一部分。)

2. Abulia, affective flattening, delusion and hallucination were their most common symptoms. (翻译:多见的症状是意志减退,情感淡漠,妄想和幻觉。)

3. You want to go back to the delusion that you can control anything... (翻译:你想回到你的妄想之中 掌控一切 You want to go back to the delusion that you can control anything...)

4. However, after one month, his amnesia and his delusion have persisted. (翻译:不过,治疗一个月以后 他的健忘症、妄想症还是存在)

5. He would like to reinforce his delusion with you, with me, with Abel Gideon. (翻译:他想利用你 我 亚伯·吉迪恩 使他的妄想更具说服力)

6. Let the others, the young, to be taken in by this delusion. (翻译:千真万确 让那些 让那些年轻人再去受迷惑吧)

7. If the Hatter's delusion is made true then he would be made well again. (翻译:如果把疯帽子的幻想变成现实 那他就会好起来的 恢复正常)

8. You know, it's possible you could be suffering from a preoccupied delusion Mr. Cable (翻译:你要知道,也许这些都是 你的幻觉造成的,凯布尔先生)

9. We believe the unsub we're looking for suffers from delusional parasitosis, a condition in which the patient believes that he's being attacked or infested by bugs. (翻译:我们相信不明人物患有寄生虫妄想症 病人认为受到昆虫侵扰 或体内有寄生虫)

10. His true identity has taken a backseat to his delusion and the need for it. (翻译:而他真正的身份则屈居于 错觉和这种需求之后)

11. Her delusion is that she must preach from a high mountain, but no one listens. (翻译:她的错觉就是她是从高山 来讲道的可没有人听她的)

12. His delusion itself might be a cliche, but the reason I can't laugh it off... (翻译:妄想本身确实很老套 不过,我们不能一笑置之的是)

13. I'm the beneficiary of a delusion that around here, I'm somebody. (翻译:他们对我有种错觉,认为我是什么大人物 我不过是受益于此罢了)

14. Objective: Review common food parasitosis infection, prevention and cure present situation in Chi-na. (翻译:前言:目的:综述我国常见食源性寄生虫病的感染、致病及防治的现状。)

15. "THE GOD DELUSION" is an irreverent book. (翻译:《假象的上帝》是一本大不敬之书。)

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