paraungual是什么意思 paraungual的中文翻译、读音、例句

paraungual是什么意思 paraungual的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:President Heller's agreed to comply with Margot Al-Harazi's demands. (总统Heller同意履行 Margot Al)


1. Thin Thin Aung is a board member of the Women's League of Burma. (翻译:缅甸妇女联盟的理事会成员廷丁昂说。)

2. Yeah,butAl is justclosingin. All— All Al has to do is get that little corner— (翻译:但是Al也差不多完成了 Al只需要把角上填完就完成了)

3. Or something like adaptation. (翻译:也不因会因循守旧 ou par conformisme.)

4. The target was Saudi Prince Fawwaz al Aziz. (翻译:目标是沙特阿拉伯王子Fawwaz al Aziz The target was Saudi Prince Fawwaz al Aziz.)

5. Do you love me do you love me... (翻译:杜 U Love Me 杜 U Love Me)

6. OK, OK, OK. where are the chickens around here? (翻译:好了好了 这里的鸡都在哪 Bon ça va, où se trouvent les poules par ici ?)

7. Daddy needs a new pair of gators. (翻译:Daddy needs a new par of gators.)

8. Start with Surat al-Nisa, Ayat 59. (翻译:从Surat al Nisa Ayat 59开始)

9. Simone Al-Harazi just got hit by a bus. (翻译:Simone Al -Harazi刚遭遇车祸)

10. And I see that we, ordinary people, can do what Aung San Suu Kyi and Ghandi and Mandela did. (翻译:现在我看到,我们,普通人, 能做Aung San Suu Kyi,甘地,和曼德拉所做的。)

11. Golf sub-par, but don't breathe sub-par air. (翻译:高尔夫球场低于平均水平, 不要呼吸低标准的空气。)

12. Turns out it's Sheik Muhammad Al Khabiri. (翻译:原来是 Muhammad Al Khabiri 酋长)

13. Through Great Tiger's gun. (翻译:从猛虎的枪进来的 Par le fusil du Grand Tigre.)

14. “During the meeting, U Aung Thaung spoke before U Thein Zaw, ” said a UWSA source, speaking on condition of anonymity. (翻译:佤联军一位匿名知情人士说,“会谈期间,吴昂当先于吴登凿发言。)

15. Margot Al-Harazi's details check out. (翻译:Margot Al -Harazi的信息被证实)

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