parity of nucleus是什么意思 parity of nucleus的中文翻译、读音、例句

parity of nucleus是什么意思 parity of nucleus的中文翻译、读音、例句

parity of nucleus通常被翻译为"核的字称性"的意思,在英美地区还有"核的字称性"的意思,读音为[parityofnucleus],parity of nucleus是一个英语名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到53个与parity of nucleus相关的例句。

Parity of nucleus的中文翻译


例句:Thi is an example of an even-parity format, but other computers use the check bit to produce an oll parity. (这是一个偶校验的例子,而其他计算机也可使用校验位生成奇校验。)


parity of nucleus一般作为名词使用,如在no parity([计] 无奇偶校验)、nucleus(核心 )、different parity(异奇偶性)等常见短语中出现较多。

no parity[计] 无奇偶校验
different parity异奇偶性
drum parity[计] 磁鼓奇偶校验
dollar parity美元平价
even parity[计] 偶数奇偶校验
exchange parity[经] 外汇平准价
fixed parity[经] 固定平价
Forward parity远期汇率平价


1. That means they all change parity, or evenness and oddness, at the same time. (翻译:其奇偶性同时发生了改变, 即同时偶变奇,奇变偶。)

2. I know you floor parity Iran levitation of the promise of us. (翻译:我知道你们会平等丢待[对待]伊朗 女行[履行]承诺的)

3. The dorsal raphe nucleus and auditory and vestibular pathway . (翻译:与听觉、前庭系统相关的中缝背核神经通路研究进展。)

4. The nucleus of this program was the Engles' living room (翻译:而在国际写作计划的核心地点 就是聂华苓家的客厅)

5. So if an atom is like a ball the size of a football stadium, with the nucleus in the center, and the electrons on the edge, what is in between the nucleus and the electrons? (翻译:一个橄榄球场大小的原子, 原子核在中心,而电子在边缘, 那么两者之间又是什么呢? )

6. She wanted to introduce us. She's throwing a parity for us Thursday. (翻译:她想介绍我们,她周四会为我们 举行一次宴会)

7. This is the lithium nucleus plus electron. (翻译:这是锂原子核加上一个电子。)

8. Only the company has been possessing the nucleus technology, probably produces the nucleus product, and gains the superprofit for the company. (翻译:企业只有拥有了核心技术,才可能生产出核心产品,为企业赢得超额利润。)

9. AIM: to observe the characteristics of projection fibers from vestibular nucleus to oculomotor nucleus OMN in rats. (翻译:目的:观察大鼠前庭神经核群向动眼神经核的投射纤维特征。)

10. a comet consists of a tiny nucleus with diameter less than 10km . the nucleus is made up of frozen gases and dust. (翻译:在彗星中心是一颗由凝固了的气体和尘埃组成直径小于10公里的细小彗核。)

11. And everytime this happens, the next person in line will switch the parity they expect to see. (翻译:每次这样的情况发生后, 下个人就知道他们需要看到 奇数还是偶数个特定颜色的帽子。)

12. CT scans revealed the bilateral and symmetric calcifications of the basal ganglia, caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus and thalami. (翻译:CT扫描显示,双侧大脑基底节区,尾状核、豆状核及丘脑内有对称性钙化灶。)

13. Blocking of AMPA receptors in the central amygdaloid nucleus modulates the parabrachial nucleus taste responses in rats (翻译:阻断大鼠杏仁中央核AMPA受体对臂旁核味觉反应的影响)

14. The head is composed of acrosome and nucleus. (翻译:头部由顶体与细胞核构成。)

15. Prison officers are demanding pay parity with the police force. (翻译:狱警正要求与警察同工同酬。)

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