partake in的中文解释是"分享、参与",作为名词时有"参加"的意思,在线发音:[partakein],partake in常被用作名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到14个与partake in相关的例句。
Partake in的中文翻译
例句:This means that, as of today, you can no longer partake in dancing or drawing lessons. (这意味着 到现在为止 你不能再上舞蹈和绘画课了)
例句:Would you care to partake of some refreshment? (你想吃些东西吗? )
例句:You are in a different country somewhere in Europe. It would be rude of you not to partake in the culture, including the beautiful women. (你身处在欧洲的某个国家,如果你不入乡随俗的话,好像有点不合时宜,这其中当然包括了解一下当地的漂亮女人啦。)
partake in一般作为名词使用,如在partake(参与 )、partake of(吃, 喝, 带有)、partake of hospitality(受人款待)等常见短语中出现较多。
partake | 参与 |
partake of | 吃, 喝, 带有 |
partake of hospitality | 受人款待 |
partake of sth | 吃,喝 |
1. You are in a different country somewhere in Europe. It would be rude of you not to partake in the culture, including the beautiful women. (翻译:你身处在欧洲的某个国家,如果你不入乡随俗的话,好像有点不合时宜,这其中当然包括了解一下当地的漂亮女人啦。)
2. I was with your mother, so I didn't partake. (翻译:我当时跟你妈妈在一起 所以我根本没有机参与)
3. Empathy is the ability to understand what someone else is feeling and partake in their emotion, a crucial ability for social animals like us. (翻译:共感是一种理解能力, 它使我们体会他人的感受 并融入对方的情感, 这是一种对于像人类这样的社会性动物来讲十分关键的能力。)
4. "Almost all other animals are clearly observed to partake in sleep, whether they are aquatic, aerial, or terrestrial, " wrote Aristotle in his workOn Sleep and Sleeplessness. (翻译:“据观察,几乎所有动物都睡觉,无论它们生活在水中、空中还是陆地,”亚里士多德在他的作品《论睡眠与失眠》中写道。)
5. As she says, "vegan eating is a truly indulgent way of life, as vegans regularly partake of the very best foods that nature has to offer. " (翻译:正如她所说,“严格素食主义是一种真正热爱自己的生活方式,因为严格素食者通常享受的都是大自然所恩赐的最好食物”。)
6. Would you like to partake in a special gamble where the winners become billionaires? (翻译:一旦赌赢便可成为亿万富翁的特别赌博方式 不来试试看吗)
7. That feeling was the trigger for me to actually change my career -- from being a software engineer to become a science writer -- so that I could partake in the joy of science, and also the joy of communicating it to others. (翻译:这种感觉是我的导火索 它真正的让我改变了我的职业方向 让我从一个软件工程师变成了一名科普作者 这样我就能参与到充满乐趣的科学事业当中了, 我同样得到了与其他人交流科学的乐趣。)
8. I mean, if you're not gonna partake, do you mind if I do ? (翻译:我的意思是,如果你不想泡兰妮的话,你介意我上吗?)
9. What say you and me partake of a death-defying cigarette in the visitors' parking lot? (翻译:扎克先生 我们去外面抽支烟吧 就去停车场吧 再见)
10. I bringing up tomorrow night's new guy presentation to 1400 today, so that all may revel and partake. (翻译:我把明天晚上的新兵介绍挪到今天下午两点了 大家可以放松欢乐一下)
11. So you go forth and partake in this grand adventure, little man. (翻译:你勇敢去参加这项大冒险吧 孩子 So you go forth and partake in this grand adventure, little man.)
12. That feeling was the trigger for me to actually change my career -- from being a software engineer to become a science writer -- so that I could partake in the joy of science, and also the joy of communicating it to others. (翻译:这种感觉是我的导火索 它真正的让我改变了我的职业方向 让我从一个软件工程师变成了一名科普作者 这样我就能参与到充满乐趣的科学事业当中了, 我同样得到了与其他人交流科学的乐趣。)
13. he bawled his lines out with such defiance that , while they really did not partake of the humour intended , they were funny. (翻译:他用天不怕地不怕的挑战神气大声嚷着他的台词,尽管没有把剧中应有的幽默口气表现出来,演得还是很逗人发笑的。)
14. I wish I could partake, but I abstain from gluten. (翻译:谢啦 哥们儿 我也想好好享用 可我不吃淀粉)
15. His complaint with life is as absurd as that of a spoke in a wheel, railing against the motion that it must of necessity partake. (翻译:他对生活的抱怨如此荒谬 就像在搞破坏 His complaint with life is as absurd as that of a spoke in a wheel, 使得生命的车轮无法前进 railing against the motion that it must of necessity partake.)