pedarian是什么意思 pedarian的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedarian是什么意思 pedarian的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:HS 6428 is a pure acrylic emulsion, develo PEd specifically for printing inks, over printing varnish and primers. (HS6428是一种纯丙烯酸酯乳液,特别设计用于印刷油墨、光油及底涂。)


例句:Maybe a wοman hurt him and he deνelοped a psychοlοgical prοblem. (可能以前交女朋友的时候受过伤害 所以对女人有心理障碍)


1. I did just the opposite of recruiting Ernest and Arian. (翻译:实际上我竭力劝说 厄尼斯特和亚里安不要入伍)

2. We are not alone anymore. Telescopic studies of the planet Arian have confirmed alien life form at 4 locations on the planet. (翻译:我们不再孤独,研究表明在阿莲星球的4个不同地点存在外星生命。)

3. This explains why some Arians do not appear Arian. And, of course. (翻译:这也就可以解释为什么有些白羊看起来不像白羊。)

4. PED's could be used to determine the incidence of taxes and the demand response to the increase prices. (翻译:承压设备指令用于支配税收的影响范围和价格上涨的需求的反应。)

5. As he was reading , a car key with a tag ped from the back of the Bible. (翻译:在他看,车钥匙,用天线从圣经的背面的标记。)

6. Portugal's PED score also worsened by a full point. (翻译:葡萄牙的PED得分也上升了10个百分点。)

7. At this time the Socinians were an important Arian sect amongst intellectual circles. It may be that Newton fell under Socinian influences, but I think not. (翻译:当时,苏西尼派是知识分子圈中一个重要的教派,可能牛顿受到了这个教派的影响,不这样认为,他更应该被认为是一位迈蒙尼德犹太神论的犹太教一神教者。)

8. And in the end, it was the Latin Church which survived intact and it was Arian Christianity which was wiped from the record. (翻译:最终,拉丁教会安然无恙, 而阿里乌派基督教则从史册中被抹掉了。)

9. / knew you wou/d run / wanted you to, but perhaps if / had taken the time to rea//y /isten to you, maybe we cou/d have he/ped each other find our way. (翻译:我知道你会逃跑的 而我也希望如此 但如果那时我能多花些时间真心地聆听 也许我们就真的能帮彼此找到解脱的方法)

10. The Arian peoples had brought their own Christianity westwards as far as Spain. (翻译:信奉阿里乌派的各民族曾将 他们自己的基督教带到西方, 远达西班牙。)

11. We've got Arian pictures, mosaics. (翻译:这些是阿里乌派的马赛克壁画, 关于耶稣的生平、神迹。)

12. So, the Arian Christ - like us, he grows older. (翻译:因此,阿里乌派的基督 - -象我们一样,)

13. As for the most impious Arian fanatics, let them not think that the Word is a creature because his body is created. (翻译:对那些最不敬虔的亚流派幻想者,让他们别因为道德身体是被造的就认为道也是被造的。)

14. Arian's doing a lot of talking for both of you. - You think he did the math all by himself? (翻译:一直都是亚里安在替你说话-你以为这都是他一个人的主意吗?)

15. The military command said two helicopters airdrop ped food, drinking water and medicine to Yingxiu in the afternoon. (翻译:这位军官表示有两架直升机已在当天下午向映秀地区空投了食品、饮用水以及药品。)

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