pecuniary penalty是什么意思 pecuniary penalty的中文翻译、读音、例句

pecuniary penalty是什么意思 pecuniary penalty的中文翻译、读音、例句

pecuniary penalty在中文中有"经"的意思,在日常中也代表"罚金"的意思,发音音标为[pecuniarypenalty],pecuniary penalty是一个英语名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到92个与pecuniary penalty相关的例句。

Pecuniary penalty的中文翻译


例句:At Everton, the first was a Boulahrouz foul for a penalty. (对阵埃弗顿,第一个球是博拉鲁兹的犯规导致点球。)


例句:Missouri has the death penalty. (密苏里有死刑! Missouri has the death penalty.)


pecuniary penalty一般作为名词使用,如在pecuniary(金钱的 )、penalty(刑罚 )、on penalty of(违者将受…处罚)等常见短语中出现较多。

on penalty of违者将受…处罚
penalty for罚金; 对…的处罚
the penalty[电影]惩罚
non pecuniary[网络] 非财产上损害;非金钱;非金钱性
pecuniary advantage金钱利益
pecuniary affairs[经] 金钱事务
pecuniary aid[经] 金钱资助


1. She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception. (翻译:她否认通过欺骗获得了金钱方面的好处。)

2. "But the most severe penalty, and the swiftest penalty, is to be eliminated from access to American consumers, " he said. (翻译:他表示:“但最严厉的惩罚,也是最为快捷的惩罚,就是吊销对美出口资格。”)

3. That's penalty for blasphemy the crowds.. (翻译:就是执行亵渎罪的正规刑罚。因为群众的缘故。)

4. You insane freaks will get the death penalty for this. (翻译:你们这2个变态,会被判死刑的 You insane freaks will get the death penalty for this.)

5. If you believe in the death penalty, he was a candidate. (翻译:那么就早晚轮到他 弗兰克. 莫兰尼 那么就早晚轮到他)

6. The penalty for such an offence a £100 pound fine, or three months in jail, or both. (翻译:The penalty for such an offence... 或两种刑罚同时执行 or both.)

7. Detering utility value of penalty refers to it's usefulness in realizing the penalty goals. (翻译:刑罚威慑的功利价值,是指刑罚威慑功能的发挥在实现刑罚目的方面所具有的有用性。)

8. Positive pecuniary externalities create incentives. (翻译:正面的经济外部性会产生激励。)

9. Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event. (翻译:可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。)

10. Of course, there's no penalty for early withdrawal. (翻译:当然,提前退出没有惩罚。)

11. This is desertion... and the penalty is death! (翻译:身为统领,丢甲弃职 我可以用军法处置你!)

12. A child abductor and murderer must receive the maximum penalty (翻译:尤其是绑架对象是儿童的绑架犯 应以最高刑事处罚)

13. I can take the death penalty off the table. (翻译:我能让他免于死刑 I can take the death penalty off the table.)

14. Are you for or against the death penalty? (翻译:你赞成还是反对死刑? )

15. The two men are facing the death penalty. (翻译:这二人面临死刑。)

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