peptic peptide是什么意思 peptic peptide的中文翻译、读音、例句

peptic peptide是什么意思 peptic peptide的中文翻译、读音、例句

peptic peptide通常被翻译为"酶、性"的意思,在日常中也代表"消化"的意思,发音音标为[pepticpeptide],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到73个与peptic peptide相关的例句。

Peptic peptide的中文翻译


例句:Vitamins, Peptide T, DDC, anything but that poison you're hawking'. (维生素,多肽T,DDC,除了你研究的那玩意)


例句:The research progress of protein and peptide site-PEGylation (蛋白质多肽药物聚乙二醇定点修饰的研究进展)


例句:Study on silk nutrient and silk peptide produced by TYM-A enzyme (TYM-A酶酶法生产蚕丝营养素和丝多肽的研究)


peptic peptide一般作为名词使用,如在peptic(促进消化的 )、peptide(肽 )、peptic activity(胃蛋白酶活度)等常见短语中出现较多。

peptic activity胃蛋白酶活度
peptic celis[医] 胃酶细胞
peptic cell胃液细胞
peptic cells胃酶细胞
peptic digest胃消化
peptic digestion[医] 胃消化
peptic esophagitis[医] 消化性食管炎


1. Study on silk nutrient and silk peptide produced by TYM-A enzyme (翻译:TYM-A酶酶法生产蚕丝营养素和丝多肽的研究)

2. 56 Case reports of treatment of repeated respiratory tract infection with mannosan peptide (翻译:甘露聚糖肽治疗反复呼吸道感染56例疗效观察)

3. Titillating the public now could help sales of Peptide 7 latet on. (翻译:现在刺激一下公众,对将来缩氨酸7号的销售可能还会有好处呢。)

4. Peptic ulcer disease usually occurs in the stomach and duodenum. (翻译:消化性溃疡主要发生于胃和十二指肠。)

5. This invention relates to a tetramer combined with SARS antigen peptide and its preparation and use. (翻译:本发明涉及一种结合了SARS抗原肽的四聚体及其制备和用途。)

6. It's a matter of recombinant ribonucleic acids unzipped by a radioactive guanine peptide. (翻译:这跟运气无关 因放射缩氨酸 控制了核糖核酸)

7. Plasm brain natriuretic peptide and Hb are both closely correlated with Pulmonary hypertension. (翻译:血浆脑钠肽水平和贫血程度与肺动脉高压形成密切相关。)

8. The tachykinin peptide family represents one of the largest peptide families. (翻译:速激肽即是神经肽中较大的一族。)

9. A health behaviors investigation of peptic ulcer on armymen and its nursing countermeasure (翻译:军人消化性溃疡患者健康相关行为调查及护理对策)

10. Down Regulation of Peptide: N-glycanase in Mouse Artificial Cryptorchid Testes (翻译:多肽:N-寡糖酶在小鼠人工隐睾中表达下调)

11. Peptide Mapping Analysis of Recombinant Human Neu Epitope Peptide 12 by Pepsin Digestion (翻译:重组人纽表位肽12的胃蛋白酶切肽图分析方法的研究)

12. Preparation of Caprine and Swine Placental Peptide and Studies on Its Biological Activity (翻译:羊和猪胎盘肽的制备及其生物活性的初步研究)

13. The healing condition and hemorrhage risk of peptic ulcer can be evaluated under gastroscopy. (翻译:内镜下对溃疡的评估可判断其出血的风险、愈合的情况。)

14. Gastrointestinal symptoms of hypercalcemia include dysphagia, constipation, peptic ulcers, and pancreatitis. (翻译:高钙血症的消化系统症状包括吞咽困难,便秘,消化性溃疡和胰腺炎。)

15. Clinical Observation on 30 Cases of Peptic Ulcer Related with Pyloric Spirillum Treated by Combination of TCM and Western Medicine (翻译:中西医结合治疗幽门螺旋杆菌相关性消化性溃疡30例临床观察)

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