peptavlon是什么意思 peptavlon的中文翻译、读音、例句

peptavlon是什么意思 peptavlon的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Ta-fei... is the concrete ready? (大块... 水泥好了没有? 可以吊上来啦!)





1. Brother, San Ta is ambitious (翻译:方丈师兄,我看三德怀有异心 不像我佛弟子)

2. It was test on petri plates with two mutants of Salmonella typhimurium-ta98 and TA100. (翻译:我们采用鼠伤寒沙门氏菌两个突变菌株TA98和TA100,检测了它的致突变活性。)

3. Rambaldi was Pope Alexander Vl's chief architect. (翻译:兰巴迪是罗马教皇亚历山大 六世的主要建筑师)

4. A walk in the fresh air will pep you up. (翻译:在清新空气中散散步会使你精神振奋。)

5. You'd have to see your face, Pierre. (翻译:你看看你这副嘴脸 Tu verrais ta gueule.)

6. Governance plays a crucial role in defining PDPs and PEPs as well as their behavior. (翻译:治理在定义PDP和PEP以及它们的行为方面起关键作用。)

7. The elastic film is too thick, a command to keep the cell to relax. (翻译:也许TA mebering关键 我们lalukn,召回)

8. ♫ Dum da ta da dum ♫ ♫ Dum da ta da dum ♫ ♫ Da ta da da ♫ That's a lot of power. (翻译:♫ Dum da ta da dum ♫ ♫ Dum da ta da dum ♫ ♫ Da ta da da ♫ 充满了力量)

9. Is that supposed to be a pep talk? (翻译:- Alicia Florrick 我就想看看他怎么样了)

10. Finish your cigarette quietly. (翻译:Termines tranquillement ta cigarette.)

11. If this is your idea of a pep talk, it's not working, all right? (翻译:如果这是你的激励演讲 那我告诉你很失败 明白?)

12. Bring them a thirst quenching drink. (翻译:带给ta解渴的饮料。)

13. Follow Ta Pao to the countryside (翻译:细宝,你乖乖的跟着大宝 昼伏夜行先返回乡下)

14. I wrote a prescription to pep you up. (翻译:{\fnKaiTi\fs22\fscy120\1cH3979FF}我建议你要有激情 I wrote a prescription to pep you up.)

15. No, ta. Won't be stopping. (翻译:绝不会留下丝毫能指向我的证据,比如说那个有名字的戒指。)



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