petiole sheath是什么意思 petiole sheath的中文翻译、读音、例句

petiole sheath是什么意思 petiole sheath的中文翻译、读音、例句

petiole sheath的中文解释是"叶柄鞘",其次还有"叶柄鞘"的意思,单词读音音标为[petiolesheath],petiole sheath来源于英语,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到41个与petiole sheath相关的例句。

Petiole sheath的词典翻译


例句:Both root and root cap are covered by a sheath-like structure called the coleorhiza. (根和根冠被一鞘状结构,即胚根鞘所覆盖。)


petiole sheath一般作为名词使用,如在petiole(叶柄 )、sheath(刀鞘 )、epiglottic petiole(会厌软骨茎)等常见短语中出现较多。

epiglottic petiole会厌软骨茎
lotus petiole荷梗
partial petiole分叶柄
primary petiole总叶柄
secondary petiole[植] 小叶柄
unifacial petiole单面叶柄
winged petiole翼叶


1. Power cable with PVC insulation, PVC inner sheath, PVC outer sheath, steel wire braiding and armoring for ship, DA type (翻译:聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯内套钢丝编织铠装聚氯乙烯外护套船用电力电缆,DA型)

2. The injury is actually the swelling of the sheath within which the cord slides. (翻译:这 中伤痛实际上是跟腱鞘肿大。)

3. Telecommunications local networks cables with polyolefin insulation and polyolefin sheath. Product standards. (翻译:电子件.局部电信网用聚烯烃绝缘电缆和套管.产品标准)

4. He drew his sword from its sheath. (翻译:他拔剑出鞘。)

5. Palisade tissue is rich in saliferous vacuoles, while vascular bundle sheath is obvious. (翻译:栅栏组织富含含盐液泡泡,维管束鞘明显。)

6. scapes thin, twisted, angled, base surrounded by a blade less, tubular sheath. (翻译:花葶细,扭曲,倾斜,基部被无叶片的管状的叶鞘包围。)

7. The stumps of his fingers itched and twitched, but he kept his dagger in its sheath. (翻译:他残余的手指们又痒又颤,但是他还是把匕首留在了鞘中。)

8. Blades of rosette leaves narrowly spatulate to oblong-oblanceolate, gradually narrowed into a petiole; corolla rose. (翻译:倒披针形莲座丛叶狭匙形到长圆形,逐渐狭窄成叶柄的叶片;花冠玫瑰色。)

9. And this garb was a perfectly transparent sheath, through which he recognized the glory of the Divine Immanence. (翻译:这种装扮是完美的透明外壳,他透过这个外壳认识了神无处不在的荣耀。)

10. The nursing of evulsion of catheter sheath after PTCA and prevention of adverse effect (翻译:PTCA术后拔除鞘管的护理与拔管反应的预防)

11. Relationship between Floation and Sink of Sclerotia of Rice Sheath Blight Fungus and Their Ultramicro Structure (翻译:水稻纹枯病菌核的浮沉特性与超微结构的关系研究)

12. The typical leaf is pinnatifid, tapering gradually to a stout petiole and becoming broader toward the large terminal lobe. (翻译:典型的羽状叶,逐渐变细成为一个粗壮的叶柄和叶向更广泛的大型终端。)

13. In days of yore, what would a swashbuckler keep in his sheath? (翻译:在从前 一个爱摆架子的人会在床单下放什么?)

14. The fibers consist of an array of metal electrodes connected to a semiconductor and are covered by an insulating polymer sheath. (翻译:这种纤维由一排连接在半导体上的金属电极组成,被聚合体绝缘层所覆盖。)

15. Petiole narrowly winged basally or proximally, with a subapical abscission zone; (翻译:叶柄狭翅基部或下部的,具一近尖端的离区;)

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