peterphyllin是什么意思 peterphyllin的中文翻译、读音、例句

peterphyllin是什么意思 peterphyllin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:If you can't stop Peter,if you can't stop Peter, (如果你们不能阻止Peter 如果你们不能阻止Peter)





1. So Kozko gave Peter things, And you believe Peter regifted these things... (翻译:那么Kozko贿赂Peter了 然后Peter转送了这些东西...)

2. Neil Gershenfeld: Thanks, Peter. PG: Thank you. (翻译:Neil Gershenfeld: 谢啦! Peter Peter: 谢谢! )

3. Oh, you know, y-y-you're such a good guy. (翻译:哦,你知道, Y -Y - 你这样的好人。)

4. Rodeen elzcalo, ysuban hacia la azotea y esperenme. (翻译:Rodeen el zócalo, y suban hacia la azotea y espérenme,)

5. So, we'll take a couple of these Ph monitors and a soil probe. (翻译:我们需要几台酸碱值测试仪 ...跟土壤探测器)

6. # Mi familia llamame cuando me nesecita # (翻译:# Mi familia ll嫥ame cuando me nesecita #)

7. -Twenty minutes. l`ll go pick it up. (翻译:-DO你们认识多久that`ll走? -twenty分钟。l`ll去把它捡起来。)

8. Do you think ll Maniac became a legend on his own? (翻译:Do you think ll Maniac became a legend on his own?)

9. Every grieving soul Be filled with joy (翻译:{Y: 我}每悲伤的灵魂 {Y: 我充满了喜悦})

10. # Lo mexicano y columbiano # (翻译:# Lo mexicano y columbiano #)

11. Let's say I'm especially influenced by '60s music, but I like to mix it up with more modern stuff. (翻译:{Y: I}从20世纪xx年代的灵感 {Y:)

12. Pretty soon they'll ask y'all to reenlist for another tour. (翻译:过不了多久, 他们就会延长服役时间让你们踏上另外一次旅途。)

13. Pretty soon they'll ask y'all to reenlist for another tour. (翻译:过不了多久,他们就会延长服役时间让你们踏上另外一次旅途。)

14. theta, y=1, else y=0. (翻译:当 a >=theta 时 y=1,反之 y=0。)

15. Y... you'll think you can't because of your loyalty to Peter... (翻译:因为你忠于Peter 所以你觉得你不能...)

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