phenoxyacetamide是什么意思 phenoxyacetamide的中文翻译、读音、例句

phenoxyacetamide是什么意思 phenoxyacetamide的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:When it's done, it looks something like this, has all the functionalities of a standard microscope, just like an XY stage, a place where a sample slide could go, for example right here. (折好之后,大概就像这样, 它具有标准显微镜的 所有功能, 比如说一个纵横移动载物台, 是放样品载玻片的地方, 我这儿现在就有一个。)


1. They have a mix of chromosome types with X, with XY or with XXX. (翻译:她们的染色体类型是X, XY和XXY的混合体。)

2. So if you make n=2 and expand it, you get (x^2) + 2xy + (y^2). (翻译:当 n=2时, 二项式展开你会得到 x^2 + 2xy + y^2。)

3. MW: So it turns out -- remember when I told you you can be a bunch of different combinations of X and Y -- you can also be XY and be female. (翻译:讲者:结果是, 像我刚说的, 你可以拥有一堆 XY 的组合体—— 你可以也同时有 XY 并且是女性, )

4. Practice has proved that implementing PHE can improve the effect of health education. (翻译:实践证明,实行“参与式”健康教育方式可以大大提高健康教育效果。)

5. Did you know that besides XX or XY chromosomes, you could have XX and XY chromosomes? (翻译:你们知道除了XX或XY染色体, 你可以同时拥有XX和XY染色体吗? )

6. The non-equilibrium phase transitions of vortex matter in type II superconductor are studied within three-dimension anisotropic XY model by resistively-shunted junction(RSJ) dynamics. (翻译:利用三维各向异性XY模型和电阻分流结动力学,研究了较强钉扎势下第二类层状超导体涡旋系统的非平衡态相变。)

7. At the later stage of aging, HPCD extractability of PHE in co-contaminated soil was slightly higher than that in single contaminated soil. (翻译:在老化的后期,复合污染土壤中菲的环糊精法提取率略高于单一污染土壤中菲的提取率。)

8. If you don't substitute two amino acids, if you don't say ATXY, if you say ATCG + XY, then you go from 20 building blocks to 172, and all of a sudden you've got 172 building blocks of amino acids to build life-forms in very different shapes. (翻译:如果我们并不是 去替换其中的两种, 我们不用ATXY的模式, 我们用ATCG+XY的模式, 我们就能够从20种 基础氨基酸增长到172种, 转瞬间,我们就有了172种 基础氨基酸的模型 去建造完全不同的生命形式。)

9. In my case, it means I was born with XY chromosomes, which you probably know as male chromosomes. (翻译:我的情况是,我出生就有XY染色体, 你们也许知道这是男性染色体。)

10. All the 21 geometric errors can be obtained by the means of measuring volumetric errors on some specific circles in XY, YZ, XZ planes. (翻译:该方法通过测量XY,YZ,XZ平面内特定圆周上各点的空间误差,可获得所有21项几何误差。)

11. Objective:The research niter benzene puts down to the recovery period fluorine acetamide is poisoned patient's electroencephalogram influence. (翻译:目的:研究硝苯地平对恢复期氟乙酰胺中毒患者的脑电图的影响。)

12. Microbial xylanases occur in various microorganisms and can hydrolyze xylans into xy-looligosaccharides and D-xylose. (翻译:微生物产生的木聚糖酶来源广泛,能将木聚糖水解为木寡糖和D-木糖。)

13. Xy: Remeber, guys, we want one of these schmucks to open my gate for me, so let one or two of them live. (翻译:记住,伙计们,我需要那些个傻瓜来帮我打开大门,所以留一两个活口。)

14. Objective: To research the curative effectiveness and safety of muscle injection for curing children fluorin acetamide poisoning. (翻译:目的:探讨乙酰胺肌注治疗儿童氟乙酰胺中毒的疗效与安全性。)

15. And now this silver thing is an XY plotter, so I can move the image sensor to follow the plankton as they swim. (翻译:而这个银色的东西是一个XY绘图机 这样我就能让图像传感器 跟着浮游生物移动 )

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