pivamdinocillin是什么意思 pivamdinocillin的中文翻译、读音、例句

pivamdinocillin是什么意思 pivamdinocillin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:This is the M38-R signal jamming device. (这是M -38Signalstrgert。)





1. Using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, and bingo: dino DNA! (翻译:他们用高科技 抽取蚊子吸的血 中奖一样获得恐龙DNA)

2. So, it's just, you know, basically, Dino, Kenny, me and you. (翻译:那么,目前而言,Dino, Kenny, 你和我,知道这件事)

3. Not even Atlantic City can provide what Dino Palladino provides... to the South Philly gambling' community. (翻译:亚特兰大市都不能提供Dino Palladino 为南部费城的赌博社区提供的东西)

4. Dino and Sandro are taking the dummy bags into town. Make it look good. (翻译:迪诺和山卓拿着袋子在市区活动,假装你们在筹钱)

5. Legal: Fizzy Cola Bottle. Claim: Peanut M&Ms. (翻译:法律:可乐QQ糖。索赔:M&M花生巧克力。)

6. Me, Dino Palladino, says to you, you got nothin'. (翻译:我,Dino Palladino,告诉你

7. In the first row is English Paul in a Bugatti Veyron and Dino Brewster in his Lamborghini Elemento. (翻译:第一排分别是开布加迪威龙的英国人保罗 和开兰博基尼第六元素的迪诺・布鲁斯特)

8. Well, then it looks like Dino, Dino bambino is going away for a long, long time. (翻译:看起来迪诺 迪诺小乖乖 要消失很久很久了)

9. If I am lying and it really was me, you can feed me to the dinosaurs in the Dino Canyon! (翻译:如果真的是我 就让我掉到万龙谷 被恐龙咬死)

10. And so next time you're on an escalator and you drop an M&M by accident, you know, maybe that's an M&M surfboard, not an escalator, so don't pick it up right away. (翻译:那么下一次坐电扶梯时 若无意掉落一粒M&M巧克力 也许看到的会是M&M冲浪板,不是电扶梯 所以不要急着捡起来 )

11. Kenny was there when I found it. Dino doesn't know because Kenny says he wasn't there. (翻译:我发现钱的时候,Kenny在我旁边 Dino不知道这些,因为Kenny坚持说, 自己当时不在现场)

12. Of course, Mount Kisco had another great, Dino Brewster. (翻译:当然 基斯科山还出了另一位天才 迪诺・布鲁斯特)

13. Uh, m-m-maybe we could, you know, all go get something to eat? (翻译:呃,M -M - 也许我们可以,你知道, 都去吃点东西?)

14. Don't tell me Dino. Not Dino Palladino. (翻译:不要告诉我是Dino,不是Dino Palladino吧!)

15. Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly. (翻译:女士3:或者“M”和“W”。男士:“M”和“W”,没错。)

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