plakos是什么意思 plakos的中文翻译、读音、例句

plakos是什么意思 plakos的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Take a few men downhill and see if there's any PLA (这两天带上几个兄弟 瞅瞅山下是不是真的来了共军)


例句:If you wish, with an invitation from your Chief Executive, our PLA in the Hong Kong Garrison can be deployed. (如果你们需要 只要你们行政长官发出邀请 我们驻港部队可以调动)


例句:PLA fiber is a new environmental protection fiber, which can be biodegraded. (玉米纤维是一种可完全生物降解的新型环保纤维。)


plakos一般作为名词使用,如在Plakos([地名] 普拉科斯河 ( 塞浦 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Plakos[地名] 普拉科斯河 ( 塞浦 )


1. PLA fiber is a new environmental protection fiber, which can be biodegraded. (翻译:玉米纤维是一种可完全生物降解的新型环保纤维。)

2. Preparation of PLA microparticles by ASES technique (翻译:气溶胶溶剂萃取系统技术制备聚乳酸微细颗粒)

3. Jiahe Tian, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, "Molecular Imaging: Facing the Challenges in the new Century" (翻译:田嘉禾教授,北京解放军总医院,“分子影像:新世纪的挑战”)

4. Almost every year, there are floods or waterlog in our country, and the PLA often fights the disasters. (翻译:我国是个洪涝灾害多发国家,军队参加抗洪抢险频繁。)

5. Big brother, the spies you sent are either living in peace or were killed by the PLA (翻译:你山下的眼线 不是过着太平日字 就是给共军干掉了)

6. The PLA may also uses the Harpy technology to improve the performance of its own designs. (翻译:PLA也可能使用“哈比”技术改良它自己设计的性能。)

7. ascorbic acid accelerate the activity of PLA2 in the model bile. (翻译:抗坏血酸对模型胆汁中磷脂酶A2的活性有微弱的促进作用。)

8. He was one of the greatest power punchers in boxing history, with an awesome 43 KOs in 49 fights. (翻译:他是在拳击历史上最伟大的权力穿孔机之一,一个可怕的49个战斗43次击倒。)

9. As the reform further develo , the scope for mandatory state pla will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged. (翻译:随着改革的深化,国家指令性计划红酒种类的范围将会缩小,而市场调节的凡势敝掷喽围将会扩大。)

10. By adding hydrophilic PVP, biocompatibility of the amphiphilic copolymers is improved as compared with that of PLA. (翻译:共聚物中引入亲水性PVP链段后,与单一的PLA材料相比较,生物相容性得到改善。)

11. But if you go check out Leather Creek you'll know it's a PLA trap (翻译:只要你去了夹皮沟瞅一眼 就知道全是共军下的套哇)

12. The new rules are laid out in revised PLA Internal Administration Regulations and went into effect on June 15, the report said. (翻译:据报道,新规定发布于修订后的中国人民解放军内部管理制度并于xx月xx日起实行。)

13. 300,000 courageous PLA crossed the Yangtze River on the 21st (翻译:英勇的人民解放军 xx日已有大约三十万人渡过长江)

14. The PLA Second Artillery Corps has formed a cruise missile brigade based at Jianshui, Yunnan Province in southern China. (翻译:PLA第二炮兵已经在中国南部云南省建水组建巡航导弹部队。)

15. The S2003medicine insulation case of field operation is the health research fund project that is approved by Health Dept, GLD of PLA. (翻译:S2003野战药品保温箱是总后卫生部批准立项的全军卫生科研基金项目。)

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