planetesimal hypotheses的意思是"星子假说",作为名词时有"星子假说"的意思,单词读音音标为[planetesimalhypotheses],planetesimal hypotheses常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到54个与planetesimal hypotheses相关的例句。
Planetesimal hypotheses的释义
例句:Licklider intuitively realized this, contemplating humans setting the goals, formulating the hypotheses, determining the criteria, and performing the evaluation. (Licklider 直观地认识了这一点,考虑人类 设定目标,提出假说, 确定的标准,并进行评价。)
planetesimal hypotheses一般作为名词使用,如在planetesimal(小行星体 )、hypotheses(pl. 假说, 前提, 假设, 假定)、planetesimal hypothesis(星子假说)等常见短语中出现较多。
planetesimal | 小行星体 |
hypotheses | pl. 假说, 前提, 假设, 假定 |
planetesimal hypothesis | 星子假说 |
planetesimal theory | 微星理论,行星尘理论 |
discontinuous hypotheses | 非连续性假设 |
formalating hypotheses | 形成假说 |
nebular hypotheses | 星云假说 |
nested hypotheses | 层次假设;巢式假设 |
null hypotheses | [电子] 零假设;[统计] 虚假设;[统计] 解消假设 |
1. We're talking about untested hypotheses-- Look, it's no big deal. (翻译:我们在讨论未经证实的假说 有什么大不了的)
2. The researchers had to lever up their human minds with technology to dive deeper, to explore non-obvious hypotheses, and in fact, insights emerged. (翻译:研究者们不得不撬动了他们人类的思维 并运用科技去潜得更深,去探索非显而易见 的假说,事实上,目标实现了。)
3. Looking at the graphs, Google's hypotheses about search terms predating disease outbreaks seem to be proven correct. (翻译:查看这些图表,证明Google关于搜索词条可预示疾病爆发的假设是正确的。)
4. Their hypotheses are widely varied and lack significant consensus. (翻译:他们的猜想各不相同,差异很大, 而且在要点上缺乏共识。)
5. Students then go to the virtual world to test their hypotheses and see if they're accurate, much as scientists go to the field in their careers. (翻译:之后,学生们进入 虚拟世界来验证他们的假说, 看它们是否正确, 就像科学家们在他们的工作中 去实地考察一样。)
6. Both the jungle and zoo hypotheses propose that alien beings are watching us, but are, for the time being, keeping their distance. (翻译:丛林假说和动物园假说都提出 外星人在监视我们 在时机成熟前 和我们保持距离)
7. There are three major hypotheses for rumination:the response styles theory, the goal-driven rumination and the self-regulatory executive function. (翻译:解释反刍思维的理论有反应风格理论、目标驱动反刍理论、自我调节的执行功能模型。)
8. The testing of these hypotheses is one of the most revealing and exciting lines of investigation I can think of. (翻译:这些假设的测试是我能想到的其中一个最有启迪作用的,最令人兴奋的调查方向。)
9. The fourth chapter propounds research questions and hypotheses, elaborates upon data collection and clarifies processing procedures. (翻译:第四章提出研究问题及假设,介绍本文所选语料,详细描述本文的分析步骤。)
10. Bromide intoxication has been one of the working hypotheses being explored by WHO and partners as a cause of the outbreak. (翻译:按照世卫组织及其伙伴目前所进行的研究,作为初步假设之一,溴化物中毒是疫情的一个起因。)
11. The research of stable channel shape on the condition of bedload discharge equals zero by use the extreme hypotheses. (翻译:利用极值假说研究输沙率为零时的稳定断面形状。)
12. So, we came up with multiple hypotheses: there's little green people down there taking it; there's all sorts of things going on. (翻译:所以我们提出了多种假设, 有小绿人在那儿带走了热。各种各样的事情都在发生。)
13. A computer, in contrast, "could at best be programmed to try out a series of hypotheses to see which best fit the fixed data. " (翻译:相反的,一台电脑“最多也只能通过程序设计来尝试一系列假设,找出哪一种最符合固定的数据”。)
14. In addition, empirical research on the temptations of persons trying to quit smoking has supported hypotheses generated by the theory. (翻译:此外,实证研究的诱惑人试图戒烟的支持的假设所产生的理论。)
15. These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle . (翻译:我认为这些假说在原则上必须是可以反驳的。)
planetesimal hypotheses作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、planetesimal、hypothesis/1、s等。