play the role是什么意思 play the role的中文翻译、读音、例句

play the role是什么意思 play the role的中文翻译、读音、例句

play the role在中文中有"模拟、某人的"的意思,还经常被翻译为角色,读音为[playtherole],play the role来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到62个与play the role相关的例句。

Play the role的释义


例句:Male actors that play the role of females are referred to as oyama. (歌舞伎中扮演女性角色的男演员被称作“oyama”。)


例句:- So? So, I played the role the, Trickster wanted me to play. (I played the role the Trickster wanted me to play.)


例句:Artificial dyes continue to play a crucial role today. (人工染料在今天仍然发挥着重要的作用。)


例句:You play a role, like little children. (翻译:你们玩了过家家 就像小时候一样 Vous jouez un rôle, comme vous êtiez petits.)


play the role一般作为名词使用,如在play a role(起作用)、role play(n. 角色扮演)、role(角色 )等常见短语中出现较多。

play a role起作用
role playn. 角色扮演
role in[网络] 起---的作用;扮演---的角色;在中起……作用
role of[网络] 的角色
the role[网络] 角色;地位认知;任务
the role of...的作用,...的角色
in play开玩笑地, 在比赛中
no play不休息


1. Artificial dyes continue to play a crucial role today. (翻译:人工染料在今天仍然发挥着重要的作用。)

2. You play a role, like little children. (翻译:你们玩了过家家 就像小时候一样 Vous jouez un rôle, comme vous êtiez petits.)

3. I provide wisdom; that is now your role. (翻译:that is now your role.)

4. Are you familiar with role play? (翻译:你们熟悉角色扮演吗? Are you familiar with role play?)

5. This is where some OTAs can play a crucial role. (翻译:因此,OTA可以在这方面发挥关键作用。)

6. And what role does a sunroof play? (翻译:天窗又能起什么作用呢? )

7. Will China play a mediatory role in the current crisis in Libya? (翻译:中方是否会为解决利比亚当前危机发挥调停作用?)

8. I'm convinced that man has a role to play. (翻译:人类有自己该扮演的角色 人类对生态平衡也有他自己的贡献)

9. There is one role I want to ask that all of you play: the role of messenger. (翻译:我想询问的是一个 你们都在扮演的角色: 信使的角色。)

10. An unknown actor was penciled in to play the leading role. (翻译:一个不知名的演员被匆忙列入计划,扮演主要角色。)

11. And in return, you expect me to play the role of the grateful subject because you are one of them... a Roman. (翻译:而作为交换 And in return, 你要我对你表示感激 you expect me to play the role of the grateful subject 因为你也是他们的一员...)

12. Live action role play is the next level. (翻译:你玩过龙与地下城 接下来我们要玩点真人的游戏)

13. In both of these areas, I think politicians can play a role. (翻译:而且我想,在这两个领域, 我想政治家都可以扮演一个角色。)

14. For now, only America can credibly play that role. (翻译:因此,目前只有美国可发挥保证欧洲安全的可靠作用。)

15. You came here to play the greatest role of your life: (翻译:你来这里是为了在你的生活中扮演了重要的角色。)

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