plotinist是什么意思 plotinist的中文翻译、读音、例句

plotinist是什么意思 plotinist的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:A brown coat and white T-shirt and khaki pants pair of trousers report to the information desk now, please. (- 棕色夹克。白色T恤,卡其裤... - 白T恤,卡其裤...)


例句:If they haven't included you in their plot, they soon will. (如果他们还没把你纳入计划 他们很快也会和你说的)


例句:Mr Kamarov, plot a new course due south. (卡马洛夫先生 计划航线 往南走 Mr. Kamarov, plot a new course due south.)


1. Mr Kamarov, plot a new course due south. (翻译:卡马洛夫先生 计划航线 往南走 Mr. Kamarov, plot a new course due south.)

2. We just used the replot command, which executes the previous plot command. (翻译:我们刚才使用了replot命令,它执行先前的plot命令。)

3. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

4. This is the plot within a plot... the family drama backlit by the fires of professional equestrian competition. (翻译:这是一个阴谋中的阴谋... ... 家庭剧的大火背光 专业的马术比赛。)

5. selling our T-shirts as of now. (翻译:售卖我们的T恤了 selling our T -shirts as of now.)

6. The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical plane. (翻译:情节与情节的发展相当于我们的纯音乐层次。)

7. Please.T-bag.T-bag, please. (翻译:求你了 T -bag T -bag 求你了)

8. OMG, you sell these T-shirts? (翻译:天啊 你们卖这款T恤? OMG, you sell these T -shirts?)

9. The plot is... and stop me if I get this wrong, Jockelson... a stealth attack on the island from the sea. (翻译:The plot is... 如果说错了请打断我 杰克森... and stop me if I get this wrong, Jockelson...)

10. The T-1000 knows where we are. (翻译:T -1000知道我们的位置了 The T -1000 knows where we are.)

11. The Immoral Mr. Teas had a plot and in that plot there were situations with naked girls. (翻译:不道德的茶先生有一个情节 并在这 有情节的情况下 裸女。)

12. When the T-Virus spread across the Earth, it did so at the speed of the modern world. (翻译:T病毒传遍地球 When the T 西向 曼哈顿)

13. A plot was hatched with secrecy. (翻译:一个阴谋在暗中策划着。)

14. On that little plot that we cleared together. (翻译:就在那小块地 我们曾经一起清理的块 On that little plot that we cleared together.)

15. I was so excited, I ran from plot to plot and I checked all 80 replicates. (翻译:我特别激动, 我在那80棵样本之间跑来跑去, 对所有的树都进行了检测。)

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