例句:Daniel Taylor, that asked me out on a few dates? (Daniel Taylor,跟我约过几次的那个?)
例句:That is Tara and that is Daniel. (That is Tara and that is Daniel.)
例句:The PLO condemns attacks on civilians. (-这是我表妹的QQ: 724701201 有时间你加一下她- 巴勒斯坦解放组织反对滥杀无辜)
ploudaniel一般作为名词使用,如在Ploudaniel([地名] 普卢达涅勒 ( 法 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Ploudaniel | [地名] 普卢达涅勒 ( 法 ) |
1. The PLO condemns attacks on civilians. (翻译:-这是我表妹的QQ: 724701201 有时间你加一下她- 巴勒斯坦解放组织反对滥杀无辜)
2. Daniel Dennett, he's come over. (翻译:Daniel Dennett, 他也改变了阵线)
3. Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel Daniel, Daniel Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel Why not every man? (翻译:我的主没有解救丹尼尔, 丹尼尔,丹尼尔 我的主没有解救丹尼尔, 那为什么不是每个男人? )
4. Daniel Dennett, he's come over. (翻译:Daniel Dennett, 他也改变了阵线 )
5. The head of the PLO and some say the key to peace in the Middle East. (翻译:他是巴解组织主席 有人说这是中东和平的关键)
6. Mr. Reese, Daniel Drake is leaving the restaurant now. (翻译:Reese先生 Daniel Drake刚走出餐馆)
7. - No, I want to be with Daniel. (翻译:- Sleep here. - No, I want to be with Daniel.)
8. If you were a real cop, I'd have been arrested by now. I guess we're both good at role-playing. (翻译:而且别以为Daniel Casey是公民)
9. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)
10. Um... How did you meet Daniel Fowler? (翻译:你是怎么认识Daniel Fowler的?)
11. One of the rescue gun ships is adorned with a nose painting of Plo Koon and two clone helmets, labeled PLO'S BROS. (翻译:一架救援炮艇的机头部位装饰着一幅画,画上是普洛·孔和两顶克隆人头盔,边上写着“普洛的兄弟”。)
12. # Means I adore you-u-u-u-u (翻译:# Means I adore you -u -u)
13. Something about the PLO starting it this time, faults on both sides. (翻译:说这次是巴解组织挑事 Something about the PLO starting it this time, 双方都有错 感情用事 faults on both sides.)
14. BF: Oh yeah, it does. (Drum roll) BF: Oh, Daniel. (翻译:BF:噢对,是这样 BF:噢 Daniel )
15. - take out a guy Daniel's size? - Adrenaline? (翻译:- 稦奔Daniel硂或砰?)