plot arrow的中文解释是"电测",其中文解释还有"地层倾斜图"的意思,单词读音音标为[plotarrow],plot arrow是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到78个与plot arrow相关的例句。
Plot arrow的翻译
例句:Modified the arrow element to allow multiple arrowheads (修改箭头元素,增加多箭头说明路径方向 )
例句:A plot of land to harvest crops. (一块土地以在其中收割庄稼。A plot of land to harvest crops.)
plot arrow一般作为名词使用,如在to arrow(向台[背台]指针)、plot(①情节②小块土地)、the plot([网络] 布局;情节;剧情)等常见短语中出现较多。
to arrow | 向台[背台]指针 |
plot | ①情节②小块土地 |
the plot | [网络] 布局;情节;剧情 |
direction arrow | 行车[方向]箭头,路标 |
direction of arrow | 箭头方向 |
down arrow | [计] 下箭头键 |
dotted arrow | [计] 虚线箭头 |
double arrow | 双箭头,双矢 |
Dutch arrow | [网络] 荷兰箭头 |
1. On that little plot that we cleared together. (翻译:就在那小块地 我们曾经一起清理的块 On that little plot that we cleared together.)
2. You were such a straight arrow, Teresa. (翻译:你可真是个正直的人啊 Teresa You were such a straight arrow, Teresa.)
3. # Seen the arrow on the doorpost # (翻译:# 望着门柱上的箭矢 # [歌名: Blind Willie McTell 专辑: The Bootleg Series Volumes 1)
4. An arrow pointed to the toilets. (翻译:一个箭头指向了厕所。)
5. DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW selects the next or previous command when a menu or submenu is open. (翻译:当菜单或子菜单处于打开状态时,按向下键或向上键可选择下一个或上一个命令。)
6. The plot is... and stop me if I get this wrong, Jockelson... a stealth attack on the island from the sea. (翻译:The plot is... 如果说错了请打断我 杰克森... and stop me if I get this wrong, Jockelson...)
7. His arrow thudded into the target. (翻译:他的箭噗的一声射中靶子。)
8. Uparrow is the picture of an upward pointing arrow. (翻译:向上光标键是向上指向箭头的图标。)
9. This is the plot within a plot... the family drama backlit by the fires of professional equestrian competition. (翻译:这是一个阴谋中的阴谋... ... 家庭剧的大火背光 专业的马术比赛。)
10. The plot against Goulart was well underway. (翻译:毁勤嘉岭杻腔躇觉淏婓佼瞳辆俴﹝ The plot against Goulart was well underway.)
11. A Machiavellian plot was suspected. (翻译:一个狡诈的阴谋受到了怀疑。)
12. I was so excited, I ran from plot to plot and I checked all 80 replicates. (翻译:我特别激动, 我在那80棵样本之间跑来跑去, 对所有的树都进行了检测。)
13. ~ Now we could use a bow and arrow. (翻译:- 我们会用弓箭了 - 嗯 - Now we could use a bow and arrow.)
14. The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical plane. (翻译:情节与情节的发展相当于我们的纯音乐层次。)
15. The claim for a plot of land in which to work. (翻译:will have been met in many places. 要求一块土地以在其中工作。The claim for a plot of land in which to work.)