ploms是什么意思 ploms的中文翻译、读音、例句

ploms是什么意思 ploms的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Because we contacted Ms. Flynn, and she's agreed to help us find the chips, arrest Nemec in exchange for a reduced sentence of her murder charge. (Me? Why? 我们联络了Flynn女士 Because we contacted Ms.)


例句:You here for Lockhart/Gardner or MS-13? (你现在是为LockhartGardner 还是为MS -13帮派做事?)


1. I feel ... disappointment. (翻译:我感到... {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}I feel ... 失望 {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}disappointment.)

2. - Miss Schmidt... the court recognizes the atrocity. (翻译:Ms. Schmidt 法庭承认暴行的存在)

3. This comfort object ... is not a hippo. (翻译:这个舒适物件 {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}This comfort object ... 不是河马 {\fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50}is not a hippo.)

4. Ms. Dunne, you've been very brave. (翻译:Dunne太太,你很勇敢。我们问完了。Ms.)

5. And why are you late, Ms. Freeland? (翻译:那么你为什么迟到了, Ms. Freeland?)

6. 50 Memory modules 400 MS STAR 3.1 1 (翻译:五十伙记忆体 四百套 MS STAR 3.1 1)

7. MS-13, Baltimore's biggest meth gang. (翻译:又为巴蒂摩尔 最大的冰毒团伙MS -13卖命)

8. In any case, the PLO “does not represent a majority”. (翻译:无论如何,巴解组织“不能代表大多数”。)

9. One is PLO, one Shining Path, these seven we're not so sure about. (翻译:一个是PLO,一个是闪耀路径 我们不肯定这七个)

10. Thank you so much for doing this. (翻译:Ms. schieber. Thank you so much for doing this.)

11. Now, Miss Rogers, as business partners... as a couple, you two were quite prominent. (翻译:Ms. Rogers 作为拍档 作为恋人 你俩都很杰出)

12. The basic medium consists of Murashige and Skoog (MS). (翻译:使用的基本培养基是MS培养基。)

13. Mrs. Oskarson, thank you for your always good humour and your indomitable love for the boys. (翻译:Ms.Oskarson 感谢你... 和你关心我们的人)

14. Hi, Ms. Sherwood, this is Mrs. Purr, Elizabeth's mother. (翻译:嘿, Ms. Sherwood, 我是 Mrs. Purr, Elizabeth的母亲)

15. That way, I can cut Ms. Payne loose as a murder suspect. (翻译:I can cut Ms. Payne loose as a murder suspect.)

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