ploughed into是什么意思 ploughed into的中文翻译、读音、例句

ploughed into是什么意思 ploughed into的中文翻译、读音、例句

ploughed into的意思是"投入",其次还有"投入"的意思,发音音标为[ploughedinto],ploughed into在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到52个与ploughed into相关的句子。

Ploughed into的释义


例句:She ploughed her way through the waiting crowds. (她从等候的人群中挤过去。)


ploughed into一般作为名词使用,如在ploughed(vt.& vi. 用犁耕田(plough的过去式与过去分词形式))、ploughed on(继续进行\n坚持做)、ploughed ahead([网络] 奋力领先)等常见短语中出现较多。

ploughedvt.& vi. 用犁耕田(plough的过去式与过去分词形式)
ploughed on继续进行\n坚持做
ploughed ahead[网络] 奋力领先
ploughed back[网络] 利润再投资
ploughed bean沟槽圆饰
ploughed depth翻耕深度
ploughed fallow翻耕
ploughed field已耕地(ploughed是plough的过去分词)
ploughed through乘风破浪,破浪前进;吃力地钻研;费力地阅读;费力地通过


1. The field had been ploughed and planted with corn. (翻译:这块地已犁过并种上了玉米。)

2. I began to follow her and she took me through the rear garden, across a ploughed field and into a farm yard. (翻译:我开始跟着她,穿过后边的花园、一片犁地,到了一个农场院子里。)

3. Steel slag will engross the ploughed areas, and will pollute tile surroundings if not treated for a long time. (翻译:如果不处理,长期下去就会占用耕地,污染环境。)

4. Never mind that. OK, I've ploughed this bit, right? (翻译:别管那个了,里克 我已经耕好了这块,是吧?)

5. It has been completed and ploughed into using at present. And It becomes attraction of Yangxin County center. (翻译:目前项目竣工并投入使用,已成为阳信县中心重要景点。)

6. The plane ploughed through the trees. (翻译:飞机猛冲过树林。)

7. The young broilers are digged into a pit and then ploughed by a tractor. (翻译:年轻的肉鸡是挖成一个坑,然后由一台拖拉机犁。)

8. He pulled her back at the last second just as the semi ploughed into the vehicle. (翻译:他在最后一秒及时把她拉开 就在拖车刚刚撞上休旅车的时候)

9. As a rookie, Hamilton was expected to spend this season learning from Alonso, but in fact has ploughed ahead of him. (翻译:作为新人,汉密尔顿,预计花费学习本赛季阿隆索,但实际上已拨在他的前面。)

10. The paths get all ploughed up by motorbikes. (翻译:乡间小路全让摩托车给轧坏了。)

11. Come here. Look, this is ploughed. You mean here? (翻译:过来看看,这里就是被耕种过的 是这里吗?)

12. Thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness. (翻译:由于人口增长放缓,目前用于种植作物的土地可能会变成森林或荒野。)

13. Henceforth a foreign pension fund or central bank that once mindlessly ploughed his spare cash into Treasurys will have to think twice. (翻译:因此,过去曾经不加考虑将其现金投入美国债券的国外养老基金或中央银行就不得不三思而行。)

14. Once or twice he would have ploughed through the rear fence if it had not been for the hand and word of his companion. (翻译:有一两次,要不是教练员在一旁提醒和伸手帮他的话,他就会从后面的栅栏上犁过去了。)

15. A putain of a field, never ploughed before, strewn with rocks and slippy with clay sloping down into a ravine. (翻译:极其糟烂的一块地,以前从未被耕过,到处是石头,湿滑的粘土顺坡流进一个河谷。)

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