plowhorses是什么意思 plowhorses的中文翻译、读音、例句

plowhorses是什么意思 plowhorses的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:We need to outrun that tank, or it's gonna plow right over us! (我们需要逃脱 该坦克, 或者它会犁 右过我们!)

例句:You drive oil-powered machines to plant - plow - irrigate – harvest transport - package. (农药是由石油制成 以汽油为动力的车 耕地 浇灌 收取)


1. I don't wish to be yoked to him in marriage, as if we were cattle pulling a plow. (翻译:我并不希望象拉犁的牛一样由于婚姻和他牵扯在一起。)

2. You plow your land, but leave your father's land unplowed! (翻译:你只耕自己的地,把你爸爸的地扔在一边不管!)

3. there ain't much glory in tromping behind a plow. (翻译:罗林太太,成天在锄犁后面踩踏 根本没啥光荣可言)

4. Research on Allocation Mode of Plow Landsite and Influence to the Working Performance on Plow (翻译:犁侧板的配置方式及其对犁工作性能影响的研究)

5. And now he wants to plow even more money back into it. (翻译:现在他还想往里面投入更多的钱。. 但是...)

6. With the beginning of plow agriculture, men's roles became extremely powerful. (翻译:随着犁耕农业社会的开始,男性的所扮演的角色变得出奇的强势)

7. Horses used to be used to pull cartloads of crops to the market. (翻译:过去总是用马把一车车的庄稼拉到市场去。)

8. Well, let's say they are, and if they are, then they are possessions, and no more deserving of a criminal trial than a bookcase or a plow. (翻译:假设是吧, 那他们就是财产 就像书架一样, 没资格受审)

9. Just plow right through them. Keep going and leave the rest to me. (翻译:尽管从他们中间穿过去,继续前行, 剩下的交给我)

10. Horses evolved here long before humans arrived, and once again they run wild and free. (翻译:早在人类来之前,马已经在这个地方进化很长时间了 而它们又再一次自由狂放地奔跑)

11. Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting. (翻译:旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。)

12. Chief, is that a yes on the baby plow? (翻译:局长 要小型犁皮卡吗 Chief, is that a yes on the baby plow?)

13. Horses which are well nourished before starting on such a sortie seldom can withstand exertion of such kind. (翻译:这些马匹营养充分开始之前就这么出击很少能承受这样一种消耗。)

14. They were allowed to plow up the footpaths on the understanding that they restored them afterward. (翻译:他们获准在事后恢复原状的条件下挖掘人行道。)

15. With the beginning of plow agriculture, men's roles became extremely powerful. (翻译:随着犁耕农业社会的开始,男性的所扮演的角色变得出奇的强势 )

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