plow disk的中文解释是"圆盘刀",其次还有"圆犁刀"的意思,读音为[plowdisk],plow disk常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到30个与plow disk相关的例句。
Plow disk的中文翻译
例句:Dr. Teller and the computer disk. (并取回电脑磁盘至关重要 Dr. Teller and the computer disk.)
例句:One, you hand me and the disk over to the CIA. (you hand me and the disk over to the CIA.)
plow disk一般作为名词使用,如在disk plow(圆盘犁)、disk paring plow(圆盘灭茬犁)、disk plow bearing(un. 圆盘犁轴承)等常见短语中出现较多。
disk plow | 圆盘犁 |
disk paring plow | 圆盘灭茬犁 |
disk plow bearing | un. 圆盘犁轴承 |
gang disk plow | 多组圆盘犁 |
mounted disk plow | 悬挂式圆盘犁 |
reversed disk plow | un. 圆盘翻转双向犁 |
reversible disk plow | 圆盘翻转双向犁 |
standard disk plow | 标准圆盘犁 |
sulky disk plow | 乘式圆盘犁 |
1. I got my wad of hundreds. I'm ready to plow. (翻译:我买了盒大号避孕套 还带了大把钞票,我准备好去播种了)
2. On the other hand, until I hand this disk off to Sands, (翻译:换个角度想 On the other hand, 在把闪存交给Sands之前 until I hand this disk off to Sands,)
3. Kaspersky Rescue Disk. (翻译:卡巴斯基救援盘。)
4. Research on Allocation Mode of Plow Landsite and Influence to the Working Performance on Plow (翻译:犁侧板的配置方式及其对犁工作性能影响的研究)
5. Step up on the disk, please. (翻译:请站到圆盘上 Step up on the disk, please.)
6. That disk will detonate every weapon on this ship. (翻译:磁盘会引爆这艘船上的每一处炸弹 That disk will detonate every weapon on this ship.)
7. The check box, enable disk offloads, enables storing of some entries on the hard drive. (翻译:复选框“Enable disk offloads”启用在硬盘上存储某些条目。)
8. Thebalance equation of power driven disc plow is built. (翻译:建立了旱田驱动圆盘犁机组的平衡方程序。)
9. This is a floppy disk -- five and a quarter-inch floppy disk infected by Brain.A. (翻译:这是个软盘 --5.25英寸的软盘 被Brain A 病毒所感染)
10. I mean, actually it's not a disk. (翻译:实际上它不是碟,不是CDR或DVD一类的碟)
11. Because the accretion disk itself is believed to be magnetized, the rotation of the disk can twist the magnetic field lines into a helix. (翻译:为我们相信吸积盘本身是被磁化的,圆盘的旋转可将磁力线扭曲成螺旋线圈状。)
12. Farmers occasionally plow up landman relics. (翻译:农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。)
13. Zoning is in essence a formatted hard disk. (翻译:分区从实质上说就是对硬盘的一种格式化。)
14. Information technology - 130 mm optical disk cartridge, write once, for information interchange - Unrecorded optical disk cartridge (翻译:信息技术.信息交换用130mm只写一次的盒式光盘.空白盒式光盘)
15. Chief, is that a yes on the baby plow? (翻译:局长 要小型犁皮卡吗 Chief, is that a yes on the baby plow?)