pneumatic brake的中文解释是"风闸",还经常被翻译为气压制动器,在线发音:[pneumaticbrake],pneumatic brake常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到35个与pneumatic brake相关的例句。
Pneumatic brake的翻译
例句:Said brake raised the reliability of the brake, implemented the adaptive boosting and can stop the occurance of accident basically. (该制动器提高了制动可靠性,实现自适应增压,基本上可杜绝事故的发生。)
例句:No, no, no Not that, that's the gas Better step on the brake (不,不,不,不是那里 那是油门,踩到刹车上)
pneumatic brake一般作为名词使用,如在pneumatic brake brake(气压煞车)、pneumatic clutch brake(气动离合式刹车)、pneumatic tube brake(气胎制动器)等常见短语中出现较多。
pneumatic brake brake | 气压煞车 |
pneumatic clutch brake | 气动离合式刹车 |
pneumatic tube brake | 气胎制动器 |
brake | 制动器 |
to brake | 制动,刹车 |
pneumatic | 空气的 |
hydraulic brake brake | 液压煞车,液压轫 |
parking brake brake | 停机煞车 |
differential brake | 差动制动器 |
1. This one, he drives like a little old lady. Gas, brake, gas, brake. (翻译:这家伙开车像娘们 加油、煞车、加油、煞车)
2. It is because of the big clearance between the brake facings? (翻译:是不是因为刹车片之间的间隙太大了? )
3. Therefore, aspirin and pneumatic compression devices are acceptable for TKA patients. (翻译:因此,阿斯匹林和气动加压靴可用于TKA患者。)
4. Mechanical and pneumatic tailstocks, as an option with automatic synchronizer. (翻译:机械或气动尾座,也可设计成与全自动同步装置。)
5. Aronson said the key to his robotic bending cell is that a nearby press brake operator oversees a manual brake and the automated cell. (翻译:阿伦森说他的自动化单元的核心是:可以由一个操作工人就近照看一台手动折弯机和一台自动化单元。)
6. Brake, brake, brake. -Welcome to Playland. Parking is $5. (翻译:停车 停车 停车 欢迎来到游乐园 请付停车费五元)
7. Hole of nominal size connects with pneumatic operation organ, Threr is a square body protruding out which directly connects with the internal octagon of pneumatic operation organ. (翻译:标准尺寸的孔与气动执行机构连接。中间为一伸出体外的方身,直接与气动执行机构内八角相连。)
8. The pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) is a novel pneumatic actuator, which can be pulled and pressed. (翻译:气动人工肌肉是一种新型的拉伸型气动执行元件。)
9. All I need is a pneumatic drill, some diamond bits... (翻译:我需要的所有装备只是一把空气钻 一些金刚石钻头)
10. Abstract: Automobile brake wheel antilock brake technology is a relatively mature technology. (翻译:摘要:汽车制动车轮防抱死技术是一项比较成熟的技术。)
11. Get your feet away from the brake. (翻译:把脚从刹车踏板上拿来 Get your feet away from the brake.)
12. This is a brake, on my right, this is the accelerator, and this is the kill switch. (翻译:这是一个制动,在我右边, 这是促进剂,这是kill开关。)
13. The front brake is not sharp and this rim is scratched. (翻译:我这个车子油门有问题 前轮刹车也不好 这车圈刮花了要换掉)
14. The pneumatic part adopts products from AIRTAC. (翻译:气动部分采用AIRTAC气动元件。)
15. The pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) is a novel pneumatic actuator, which has been drawn attention by the specialists in many countries. (翻译:气动人工肌肉是一种新型的拉伸型气动执行元件,已经引起世界各地专家的广泛关注。)