pododermatitis是什么意思 pododermatitis的中文翻译、读音、例句

pododermatitis是什么意思 pododermatitis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:She left this, what, at a PO box? (她把这个留在邮政信箱? She left this, what, at a PO box?)


pododermatitis一般作为名词使用,如在infectious pododermatitis(牛的腐蹄病)等常见短语中出现较多。

infectious pododermatitis牛的腐蹄病


1. We were monitoring his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure. (翻译:我们时刻监视着他血液中PO2的含量,他的心跳率还有血压 )

2. That is why we often speak of seborrheic dermatitis. (翻译:这就是我们常说的脂溢性皮炎。)

3. Topically applied corticosteroid is a known provoking factor in perioral dermatitis. (翻译:局部应用糖皮质激素是已知的挑衅因素周皮炎。)

4. That has po? Tische charm of filmset. (翻译:充满诗意的如电影场景般迷人的的景色尽收眼底)

5. Lovable, friendly, slightly chubby po. (翻译:仗剑走天涯 捍人间正道 虽略带肉感 亦人见人爱的阿宝)

6. To enhance immunity, prevent colds allergies, dermatitis, angular cheilitis . (翻译:增强免疫力,预防感冒过敏,皮肤炎,口角炎。)

7. You've nothing to do with Po Chi Lam, don't get yourself into trouble! (翻译:阿汉! 你不是宝芝林的人 不要多管闲事吧)

8. Objective to investigate the role of patch test in eyelid eczematous dermatitis. (翻译:目的探讨斑贴试验在眼睑皮炎湿疹中的作用。)

9. Qingdai Ointments; Eczema and Dermatitis; Clinical observation. (翻译:复方甘石青黛膏;皮炎湿疹;临床观察。)

10. We were monitoring his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure. (翻译:我们时刻监视着他血液中PO2的含量,他的心跳率还有血压)

11. Pigmented purpuric dermatitis is it? (翻译:这是色素紫癜性皮炎吗? )

12. Look, Po entered the final race with full marks, it differs (翻译:你看,博达尔多 全部是满分进级,怎么比呢?)

13. That was Leung Sing-Po. the actor. (翻译:sis! That was Leung Sing -Po.)

14. Last week, Laurie Perkins posted pictures from Paris. (翻译:上礼拜 劳丽 帕金斯把巴黎的照片po到网上)

15. North Kowloon Magistracy, 292 Tai Po Road ; (翻译:大埔道292号北九龙裁判法院; )

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