polpot是什么意思 polpot的中文翻译、读音、例句

polpot是什么意思 polpot的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:At the time, Pol was director of a creative label for a production company. (那个时候,Pol是一个产品公司的一个充满创造力的小组的主管。)


例句:Except instead of a pot full of gold, it's a pot full of pot. (除了没有一个完整的锅 黄金,它是一个完整锅锅。)


例句:Well, I was gonna put on a pot of coffee. (嗯 我正准备倒点咖啡 想知道得准备几杯 Well, I was gonna put on a pot of coffee.)


例句:Tell Cipher Pol to bring more useful people next time. (翻译:去转告CIPHER POL的长官 派一个更可靠的家伙来)


1. Well, I was gonna put on a pot of coffee. (翻译:嗯 我正准备倒点咖啡 想知道得准备几杯 Well, I was gonna put on a pot of coffee.)

2. Tell Cipher Pol to bring more useful people next time. (翻译:去转告CIPHER POL的长官 派一个更可靠的家伙来)

3. To the fine, fighting Temeraire! (翻译:Raise your pot of grog. To the fine, fighting Temeraire!)

4. They drank a pot of coffee. (翻译:他们喝了一壶咖啡。)

5. He was an ivory-tower professor and a crooked Chicago pol. (翻译:是象牙塔里的教授,也是不诚实的芝加哥政客;)

6. In the 1970s, under the Pol Pot regime, the Khmer Rouge killed over a million people, and they focused and targeted the elites and the intellectuals, the artists, the dancers. (翻译:xx年代在波尔布特政权之下 红色高棉残杀了一百多万人 他们主要是针对精英、知识分子 艺术家、舞蹈家这些阶层开刀 )

7. A general suction pot for cupping is not easily lifted down, and the negative pressure in the pot is not easily regulated. (翻译:一般的抽气拔罐,罐内负压不好调节,不易取下。)

8. boil over Pot boils over, means that liquid in a pot overflows or flows over the side of the pot when it is heated to the boil. (翻译:壶烧开淌水了,意思是壶里的液体加热至沸腾时溢出来了或者漫过壶边流出来了。)

9. This bell is made from metal from a defused landmine, from the killing fields of Pol Pot -- one of the most evil regimes in human history -- where people are now beginning to put their lives back together after the regime has crumbled. (翻译:这个铃铛是由一个拆除引信的地雷造的, 它来自波尔布特的屠杀战场—— 那人类历史中最为罪恶的政权之一—— 现在,这个政权已经垮台, 那里的人们正恢复正常生活。)

10. You went through security with pot? (翻译:You went through security with pot?)

11. These are refrigerators that require no electricity; they're pot within a pot design. (翻译:这些冰箱无须电力 那是一种盘套盘的设计 )

12. And they turned it into some pot-boiling sentimental tale. (翻译:后来成了茶余饭后的故事 And they turned it into some pot -boiling sentimental tale.)

13. The clay pot the meat is cooked in must be broken; but if it is cooked in a bronze pot, the pot is to be scoured and rinsed with water. (翻译:惟有煮祭物的瓦器要打碎;若是煮在铜器里,这铜器要擦磨,在水中涮净。)

14. Pol Roger Brut, Champagne, France. (翻译:宝禄爵干型香槟,,法国香槟产区。)

15. Yeah, the pot balances it out. (翻译:你吸了大麻还开车 The pot balances it out and brings you back up.)

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